View Full Version : Auras without migraine? TIAS? Worried!

27-12-23, 17:18
Hello! I'm back! More so because of an extremely scary episode that happened Saturday.

I went in to my part time job. Was working on screen for a half hour. Noticed the glare off one of the monitors started to bug me and was reflecting into my eye, so I closed the blinds. Well. Within 10 minutes, the vision in my right eye went shadowy (not fully dark, I could still see) but it was like pieces of information were missing- they were blurred out. The bottom half (more like quarter) was wavy- like i was under water- I guess it looked almost like chevrons going across my bottom vision. At this point, I started to freak out.

It felt like my right arm was SO far away. Like I was kind of disconnected with my body. I felt dizzy and unstable, like I was going to fall over. Now vertigo isn't uncommon for me- I get that a lot, but this was some kind of attack, or something different. My friend I was messaging said it was an aura for a migraine, and to take something for it ASAP and get to a dark place. Which I did (can only take tylenol as NSAIDS mess up my stomach and I am told I don't get enough migraines to be on meds as of right now). I couldn't get to a dark place cause I was at work. From there, weird things started to happen. tingling and prickling sensations. They were short lived, thankfully- but frightening. The scariest was my peripheral looking shadowy. I could see... but like I said, it was like peices of vision were missing.

My poor boss. He was about to call an ambulance cause he had no idea what was going on. The entire attack lasted about 30-45 minutes but the dizziness and everything stayed for most of the day. I felt drained. I ended up at urgent care where they did some testing and told me they really were not sure what is going on. I do have a history of migraines and headaches, stemming from my TMJ and I get headaches weekly (2-3 times a week usually). The weird part is with all of my migraines I ALWAYS had the pounding headache, nausea and vomiting for hours on end. Never this strange visual stuff. What worries me is I do have a clotting disorder (Factor 5 Leiden) and there is a stroke risk with my family as my mom has had both clots and a stroke befor. The doctor at urgent care said they didn't see any signs of it being a stroke- but having a clotting disorder at my age (I just turned 33 for context) is what the concerning factor is.

They left me off where I need to see an eye specialist to make sure there are no blockages, but i'm worried! I had another one of those attacks AGAIN last night. I was playing on my Nintendo Switch. I looked up to watch the news, and within a minute or two- those SAME wavy zig zags started. I immediately laid down in a blacked out room, and within a half hour it passed. About 3-4 hours later I started to get some pulsating in my temples- so I took some tylenol and went to sleep. I know for migraines, two of my largest triggers are flashing lights (bright lights that make me squint) and certain smells. Both situations that caused these attacks didn't seem over the top for me though to make me feel like it was a migraine, but I could be wrong.

At this point in time, I am waiting for my doctor to get back to me with info on the eye specialist. I just feel like I am playing the waiting game. I don't really know what to do, or what is causing these episodes or new symptoms, if they are migraines. I worry something sinister is going on behind the scenes. I also worry about driving- and one of these attacks happening while I am in the car.

Has anyone gone though this?

I never got one of my standard migraines with either one of these. Just these strange visual disturbances. I am left feeling weird and drained though, and it is impacting my day to day life right now. 2 attacks in 4 days and I admit, it's becoming a worry if/when another one will occur. Or- is it the waiting game for something worse to come?

Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

EDITING TO ADD INCASE IT HELPS ANYONE: 1 month of tests and back and forth. Bloodwork, MRI's with dye and without dye and an eye exam confirmed ocular migraines. My primary doctor also ran various deficiency tests too, which came up normal. Eye specialist also had me come back did a peripheral test and headache stress test which came back normal. Iv'e been wearing my Theraspecs 24/7 and it has greatly helped the visual issues. Triggers seem to be glare and hormones (especially ovulation).

Saw a Neurologist in May. He prescribed 4 vitamins before going a medication route (magnesium, feverfew, Riboflavin and CoQ10) as well as emergency sumatriptan to see if it will help. I have noticed since taking these vitamins, they have been reduced along with my normal migraines.

Also recently discovered my vertigo is NOT related to the migraines, and is an ear issue (dix halpike test confirmed this). SO. Now I am on a waitlist for an ENT. So while the migraines have eased up, the vertigo has been unbearable and relentless.

Miu medical billing
27-12-23, 18:02
Sudden visual disturbances like zig-zag patterns could be associated with migraines, especially if you have a history of them. However, given your clotting disorder and family history, it's crucial to consult with healthcare professionals promptly. Ensure you communicate your concerns, symptoms, and medical history thoroughly to get the appropriate evaluation and tests. Don't hesitate to seek a second opinion if needed. Prioritize your health and well-being, and avoid driving if you experience such symptoms to ensure safety.

27-12-23, 18:03
I have ocular migraines. Symptoms are a blind spot in the affected eye. Thats usually the first thing. Then I get zig zag shapes in all sorts of colours. I have no headache with it. It lasts about 20 minutes then goes.

Ive never had the tingling or prickling. Are you sure that wasn’t the result of you panicking over the visual stuff?

27-12-23, 18:29
That is like the one I experienced last night. Lasted about 20 minutes and was done.

With the first one- I totally panicked. I had no idea what was going on, so it very well could have been a mix of an aura and a panic attack. I broke down crying in the car when my Mom was driving me to urgent care and by the time we got there- I was 80% better, but still woozy.

29-12-23, 14:52
It sounds like an ocular migraine. I get regular migraines and have only had ocular ones like three times ever, but I don't get a headache with them at all, just the visual disturbance. Migraines can manifest in all kinds of odd ways. My aunt had a really odd one once that affected her speech. It sounds like what you had was the migraine plus the panic that it brought on. After my first I went to the eye doctor to just be sure, and all was well. He told me he was jealous because he hears so much about them but had never had one himself and always wanted to know what it actually looks like!