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29-12-23, 10:55
Does anyone have any advice on how to stop constantly symptoms.
I went to the GP yesterday after worrying about breast , rib lumps which the GP was sure was nothing just normal tissue which is why it feels like it doesn’t move because it’s just my body. She gave me a good examination checked everything I was telling and told me not to check again and she will see me in 3 weeks to see how I am doing ( mentally not because of my symptom as she said that was fine) but as soon as I get home I’m checking in again poking around until I’m actually really sore and bruised.

Trying to keep busy but there is only so much I can do and as soon as I sit down the thought is back it’s like battling with the devil on one shoulder telling me to check and my health mind saying it’s been checked by a professional and it’s fine.

Any advice please

29-12-23, 14:03
Do you talk to a therapist? Maybe have them work with you on doing cognitive behavior therapy, I don't know if you have OCD or not but one of the things people, including myself do, is continue to check, even though we've been given the all clear, our obsessive thoughts keep us doing that. Have you tried meditation? It can work wonders.

29-12-23, 22:07
Do you talk to a therapist? Maybe have them work with you on doing cognitive behavior therapy, I don't know if you have OCD or not but one of the things people, including myself do, is continue to check, even though we've been given the all clear, our obsessive thoughts keep us doing that. Have you tried meditation? It can work wonders.

Thank you for reading.
I have tried CBT in the past but I just felt worse so stopped . I have had health anxiety for 15 years but it comes in flare ups I can go 2-3 years unmediated and be fine then all of a sudden I’m back to panicking and checking . I have restarted sertaline yesterday following my GP appointment.
I know deep down I have to trust the GP and not check again until my next appointment where she will do that for me but it’s hard.

30-12-23, 08:34
I understand and totally get it, i am so sorry you are dealing with this. It's a part of OCD to check over and over, maybe try going for a walk, or doing something else to distract your mind, like gaming, coloring, drawing, listening to music, dancing anything to divert your mind for awhile, or i know set a timer, for a certain amount of time, say 10 mins, you cannot check until the timer goes off, when it gets easier to wait for the timer, set it for 12 mins and repeat upping it two mins each time until you are up to an hour or so.

16-01-24, 10:05
I'm in the same boat.
My arpit felt a bit sore, prodded it constantly so much now my whole side, breast and shoulder hurt. Which makes me panic even more and touch it more so it's a neverending circle. One day I do better and the next I'm back in panic mode 😫
Try to focus on the fact that you got cleared from the doc! That's good!
I'm too scared to even go.