View Full Version : Major Panic Attack After Many Years.

29-12-23, 14:11
I've been dealing with a dodgy tummy, which I posted about in the IBS thread, now my mind keeps thinking it is something more sinister. I threw myself into a huge panic attack crying, shaking, can't stop googling, and I haven't googled symptoms in years, I feel so defeated right now.

29-12-23, 14:39
PK, you know googling will only fill your head with scary thoughts. Think logical, there's no reason for it to be anything serious. You've already mentioned your IBS and the tension and upset you've had recently. If you are eating anxiously, it will affect your tummy. If you are emotional, that can affect your tummy. Give it time to settle, eat wisely until then and sit yourself down to watch something relaxing on TV. :hugs:

29-12-23, 16:41
You're right Carn, I shouldn't have googled, and yes emotions can play a big factor. I am eating some rice right now a few bites at time I stop when my bowels start doing it's thing and then I'll take a few more bites when it settles. Sending you hugs. Thank you so much. I just feel so alone right now and missing my mom.

29-12-23, 19:36
You are not alone, just take it one day at a time or even moment. Missing your mum is natural. You will always miss her but over time you will not feel so emotionally tormented. :hugs:

Miu medical billing
29-12-23, 20:27
I understand, anxiety spirals are tough. Deep breaths first. Remember, panic attacks often feed on "what ifs" and worst-case scenarios. You've already reached out and sought support, that's huge! Now:

Ground yourself: Breathe deeply, feel your feet on the floor, focus on the present.
Challenge the thoughts: Are your fears based on evidence or past experiences?
Distract yourself: Do something calming, engage a friend, watch a funny video.
Seek professional help: If worry persists, reach out to a therapist or doctor.

You're stronger than you think! Hang in there and remember, this is temporary.

29-12-23, 21:55
Carn, MIU, thank you both so much for the support and kind words am feeling a lot better today. So far tummy is behaving, been sleeping a lot. I hope you both are doing well.

31-12-23, 05:57
I am over my issue now my anxiety is up about my kitten which I'll post about in the Pet section I swear if it's not one thing it's another.