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View Full Version : Dreaded Anxiety returns.

30-11-07, 18:23
Hi Everyone!!!

This is my first time posting on here, iv'e read quite a few messages and it's a mixture of sadness because you know how these people are feeling and relief that it's not just you feeling like this, double edged sword really.

Well iv'e been suffering with Health anxiety for 10 or so yrs and am pretty much ok with most of the symptoms i get, but there's always those that creep in that you have never had before and off you go on that never ending circle of Fear and worry.

Bout 2 weeks ago i went to see my Doctor because for no apparant reason i had become obssesive with checking my Boob's, i could'nt feel anything but by the end had convinced myself there was something there and had made myself quite sore in the process. Dr did an examination and said they were fine and that i had to to consider going back on the meds as i had really got myself in quite a state and once they have kicked in she will look at sorting some sort of therapy; which is exactly what iv'e done, still got another couple of weeks to go before they kick in so am still having good and bad day's. Thing is my boobs are still tender, either both at the same time, one more than the other or just one; of course am still worried i have something awful.

So sorry to ramble on so much, would very much like to talk to someone who knows exactly how im feeling or has had the same thing.

Will we ever be free of this B****y thing.
Thanks so much for listening,
Take care all,

30-11-07, 19:14
Hi Mandy

Just wanted to say :welcome: aboard and hope we can be of some help.

30-11-07, 19:52
Hello Mandy,

Welcome to NMP. You will make lots of friends and get great advice.

01-12-07, 00:54
I am so sorry that anxiety is returning.
I have always pushed around on my boobs enough that I have made them sore and then rushed to the doctors thinking something was wrong. It is amazing the power our minds have. Now if only we could use it for positive things!

Elly 2
01-12-07, 14:40
Hi Blueeyes and welcome. 3 years ago I did have a lump in my boob which turned out to be ok but what I wanted to say is that my doc told me that a lump that is sore is a good sign. Things that are nasty are usually painless which is why it's important that we examine ourselves on a regular basis. Don't worry hun, if the doc was in the least bit concerned you would have been referred. hope this is helpful
take Care
Elly xx

01-12-07, 15:49

To Everybody that took the time to reply to my posting, a very big thankyou. Your advise and kind words work wonders and makes life that little bit more bearable through the tough times.

Please keep them coming.
