View Full Version : So many things are wrongÂ…blood in urine test, gyno issues, pins & needles, spasms

03-01-24, 12:21
I don’t how I’m going to get through all of this. I’m bad enough when I’ve just got one thing to worry about but it seems to be everything at the moment:

Ive had a few UTI’s since September and my last two urine samples (one that was sent to the lab before Christmas and todays at the docs) both have shown blood but no infection so she’s referred me for a 2 week appt to urology. She said it might be from my last UTI and that my bladder could still be irritated.

I’ve also got a pelvic and trans vaginal ultrasound booked in a few weeks after a gyno appt I had a few weeks ago because of a burning sensation in my vagina that started at the same time as my UTI. The gynaecologist did an examination and said he couldn’t see anything wrong and didn’t think it was anything to worry about but would get a scan sorted and would phone me after to discuss the results but he thinks it could be cystitis or a stone rather than a gyno issue.

Then over the last 5 days I’ve had pins and needles all over but particularly in my hands and feet along with muscle spasms. I spoke to the doctor about it today and she said it could one of many different things as it’s quite a vague symptom but I started getting upset and told her all the serious things it said on the nhs website like diabetes, ms and blood cancers which I told her I was scared about the most. She then looked concerned and said she’d get my bloods done and has put B12 and suspected diabetes along with a bone one and others. I know it’s not a b12 deficiency because I take multivitamins and the more I read the more I’m convinced it’s cancer.

Ive also had pain in my rib cage under my right arm since July and pain in both sides of my pubic bones. This linked with everything above makes me worry the cancer has spread or that it’s a blood or bone cancer.

I feel so close to giving up. I’m having CBT every week but I can’t see how I’m ever going to get through this. I hate waiting for test results and I’ve got three tests coming up and I’m so scared it’s going to be an untreatable cancer. I can’t bear the thought of saying goodbye to my husband and girls.

12-01-24, 22:17
Had a call from the urology department today to discuss my symptoms and whether to refer for further investigations. She told me that the last two tests have got a higher amount of blood than the normal threshold although it has come down between my November and December samples.

After going through everything with her even though I said I’ve been a lot better since my December sample she’s referring me for an ultrasound, camera in the urethra and sending two tubes for me to do water samples that will need taking into the doctors. I asked her what she thought might be causing it and she said that my doctor probably had the best idea as I had told her that they thought it was inflammation left over from my last uti and the lady agreed that an inflamed bladder when it’s in the process of renewing cells can cause blood cells to fall away and go into the urine. She also said that the bladder can be sensitive for a few months afterwards.

She said another reason is the start of menopause when estrogen levels are dropping and it can cause issues with the bladder and urethra and I told her that my periods have been a bit over the place these last few months.

Also my blood tests have come back as normal but the pins and needles are still there but hoping it’s to do with the anxiety and trying so hard not to panic that it’s neurological.

13-01-24, 16:00
I do think many of the sensations you are getting can be explained by anxiety/ hyper awareness. I am getting the exact same at the moment. I doubt they are linked to the microscopic amounts of blood you are getting in your urine.
You say you are approaching menopause- i am too I think - do you think this could be causing a spike in your anxiety? Xx

15-01-24, 20:29
Thank you for the reply. Are you getting pins and needles? Mine are literally constant and all over my body. I just can’t get it out of my head that it’s ms or worse. Also I’m getting a shooting pain now in the left side of my public bone which is scaring me. I’ve been anxious for a long time so I don’t think it’s caused by the menopause but maybe other symptoms are.

I had a call earlier from the hospital and they’ve booked me in for my ultrasound on my bladder and kidneys tomorrow morning. I’m worried at how quick it’s happened as I only had the consultation appt at 4pm on Friday.

Im absolutely petrified of everything at the moment. I attended a health anxiety workshop yesterday that said the three main things that people shouldn’t do with health anxiety is googling, checking and reassurance seeking and I’ve failed and done all three today. I’m so sick and tired of feeling like every sensation and symptom is going to kill me.

16-01-24, 10:47
I'll try to ease your mind.
I have a loooong past od UTI-s, and it is true that the lining can get irritated to the point where it hurts just as bad. It's the worst pain and burning, but it's rarely a serious matter.
After almost every UTI and antibiotics, I would get my vagina on fire. Thrush! Never had discharge, just the burning.

As for the pins and spasms... They are here with my every anxiety flare. One time they got so bad I had a brain scan 🫣
Hang in there!

16-01-24, 20:25
How did the ultrasound go?
i am having all the pains you describe but not the pins and needles at the moment. HOWEVER i have had them really badly in the past, especially when i am worried about something that might cause them. Presumably you are not connecting your pelvic/ abdominal sensations with the pins and needles? Are you worried about multiple causes? Or do you think anxiety/hyper awareness might be causing them all? Xx

16-01-24, 20:26
I'll try to ease your mind.
I have a loooong past od UTI-s, and it is true that the lining can get irritated to the point where it hurts just as bad. It's the worst pain and burning, but it's rarely a serious matter.
After almost every UTI and antibiotics, I would get my vagina on fire. Thrush! Never had discharge, just the burning.

As for the pins and spasms... They are here with my every anxiety flare. One time they got so bad I had a brain scan 🫣
Hang in there!

Thank you that helps so much. I did have swabs for thrush but they came back normal. The burning seems to be more few and far between than it was though luckily.

I had my ultrasound today on my bladder and kidneys and was told it was all fine. I just need to wait for the appt to have the urethra camera now.

I think the pins and needles are by far the most worrying for me at the moment. I just want it to go away. My counsellor told me that I need to think of alternative diagnoses to the worst case scenario but I’m really struggling. I went on a google deep dive yesterday and scared myself silly.

16-01-24, 20:31
How did the ultrasound go?
i am having all the pains you describe but not the pins and needles at the moment. HOWEVER i have had them really badly in the past, especially when i am worried about something that might cause them. Presumably you are not connecting your pelvic/ abdominal sensations with the pins and needles? Are you worried about multiple causes? Or do you think anxiety/hyper awareness might be causing them all? Xx

I think everything has crossed my mind in terms of what is causing the tingles. I’ve gone from thinking it’s anxiety (even though I read it’s usually very short lived), a trapped nerve (even though I haven’t got much pain anywhere although my necks been a bit sore) to a brain tumour and I’m just convinced now it’s ms or a cancer somewhere pressing in a nerve. I can feel the tingles even when I’m really busy at work and distracted so I don’t think I’m concentrating too much on it all the time.