View Full Version : Tip of the tongue - anxiety or dementia

03-01-24, 23:21
Hello everyone. I am in a bit of a state and thinking I have dementia because I had that horrible experience where I can’t get the right word out, but it did come out after maybe 20 seconds. I have been very stressed over Christmas with many family members staying snd not enough sleep. I also contracted flu just before Christmas and am still feeling exhausted from it. And my car was stolen last week. Anyway. I feel tired and anxious and tearful. I had one instance last week where I couldn’t rema word but did after a while. Twice today k couldn’t remember a word. It’s like my mind went blank and I felt panicky and tearful. I remembered the word but now I am terrified I have dementia and I keep getting tearful and anxious and I am so tired and foggy mind. Please help me!

03-01-24, 23:33
This is very common with anxiety.
You've had a lot of stress.
I've had this happen to me loads of times.

03-01-24, 23:35
Sounds like stress and anxiety to me as well

04-01-24, 01:52
I get this all the time when I'm anxious ( as well as putting things away in the wrong spot, feeling like my thoughts are in slow motion etc). It's just the sign of a tired brain.

04-01-24, 06:46
I get this all the time when I'm anxious ( as well as putting things away in the wrong spot, feeling like my thoughts are in slow motion etc). It's just the sign of a tired brain.

Thank you so much. I am trying to stop myself panicking but I now remember I got half way through putting the washing machine on and forgot how to press start. And then I remembered. It’s like my mind goes into panic mode and goes blank. It’s so horrible. And I keep analysing my mind and trying to work out why did I do that? I even blanked on the dog’s name. I keep thinking of more things and worrrying. All this has been over the last few weeks and yes, I’ve had flu and a lot of stress. I can’t stop feeling tearful and anxious as though I have dementia. I can’t seem to get myself out of this anxiety. It’s horrible.

04-01-24, 07:58
I got the bird feed bucket to go and feed the dog before :shrug:. When I'm anxious I have to really concentrate hard on simple tasks like making porridge. I'm going through an anxious patch at the moment so I just try to laugh at myself otherwise I'd go crazy.

04-01-24, 11:37
I got the bird feed bucket to go and feed the dog before :shrug:. When I'm anxious I have to really concentrate hard on simple tasks like making porridge. I'm going through an anxious patch at the moment so I just try to laugh at myself otherwise I'd go crazy.

Yes. Know what you mean. I’m so glad you said that. Feel I can’t get my brain together and I feel very tearful. Unfortunately I have to see elderly unwell parents so I can’t relax. As long as I’m not going mad myself. It feels like it. Like my brain is full of thoughts and I’m trying to grasp them. I’m so grateful to hear of other people’s experiences.

07-01-24, 16:05
About 45 minutes ago I called our cat by the name of the cat we had 20 years ago. I am CONSTANTLY forgetting things, mixing up my words, etc. Sometimes I think I just have too much to remember and take care of all the time and my brain is just full. Sometimes I wonder if it's from some of the (anxiety related) medication I take. Sometimes I think it's because I'm going into menopause. Overall, I know this is very, very common and I'm sure you're just fine...try to give yourself some grace when it happens. :)