View Full Version : Left ear occasionally makes a ringing sound and pops when yawning

05-01-24, 06:56
Hi there,
I'm a 34 year old female who has been a long time lurker here and now first time poster. I've had health anxiety since childhood and in 2014, began treating it and general anxiety with Zoloft. My anxiety has been on high alert the last year or so as I've dealt with some health issues that eventually led to being diagnosed last year with Hashimoto's Disease/Hypothyroidism. Before that, I began treatment for high blood pressure and high cholesterol. All three of these things run in my family.

What brings me here today, is that on and off since a couple days before Christmas, my left ear has been making a short, low, quick, ringing sound. It's not a constant sound I hear all the time and only ever hear it in my room at night when it's quiet or in the morning when waking up. Even then, I feel like it only happens when I'm focusing on it, which admittedly has been more often. Not long after hearing the sound, the ear will pop if I decide to yawn and the cycle begins again either a few hours later or the next day. Sometimes, the ear feels full or clogged when this happens. My jaw has also been acting up a bit. While I'm not diagnosed officially with TMJ, my jaw does go through periods of locking up or popping when yawning just the right way. I have no other symptoms like hearing loss or dizziness, yet despite that I'm terrified over the thought of an acoustic neuroma since this sound is only in one ear. I also worry about eventually losing hearing in my ear. As a child, I had many ear infections in that ear and even had a tube put in when I was about two years old, that in my opinion hadn't done much. So this is something that's really scaring me. Google also points to Tinnitus, but would a quick second or so ringing sound in a quiet room count as that? I've been covering my ears at times to listen for it and it's never there. Also unsurprisingly, if I need to take a Xanax, the symptoms all but disappear.

Has anyone had something like this and am I going to be okay? My parents think I'm fine, and they always think I'm overreacting although my mom has made an effort to understand what I'm feeling more. I'm in between doctors right now as my first one left the practice recently and I have an appointment with her replacement on January 18th. Is this okay to wait out until then? Also a week or so before all this started, I had yearly bloodwork that came out normal.

07-01-24, 19:58
Hi there,
I'm a 34 year old female who has been a long time lurker here and now first time poster. I've had health anxiety since childhood and in 2014, began treating it and general anxiety with Zoloft. My anxiety has been on high alert the last year or so as I've dealt with some health issues that eventually led to being diagnosed last year with Hashimoto's Disease/Hypothyroidism. Before that, I began treatment for high blood pressure and high cholesterol. All three of these things run in my family.

What brings me here today, is that on and off since a couple days before Christmas, my left ear has been making a short, low, quick, ringing sound. It's not a constant sound I hear all the time and only ever hear it in my room at night when it's quiet or in the morning when waking up. Even then, I feel like it only happens when I'm focusing on it, which admittedly has been more often. Not long after hearing the sound, the ear will pop if I decide to yawn and the cycle begins again either a few hours later or the next day. Sometimes, the ear feels full or clogged when this happens. My jaw has also been acting up a bit. While I'm not diagnosed officially with TMJ, my jaw does go through periods of locking up or popping when yawning just the right way. I have no other symptoms like hearing loss or dizziness, yet despite that I'm terrified over the thought of an acoustic neuroma since this sound is only in one ear. I also worry about eventually losing hearing in my ear. As a child, I had many ear infections in that ear and even had a tube put in when I was about two years old, that in my opinion hadn't done much. So this is something that's really scaring me. Google also points to Tinnitus, but would a quick second or so ringing sound in a quiet room count as that? I've been covering my ears at times to listen for it and it's never there. Also unsurprisingly, if I need to take a Xanax, the symptoms all but disappear.

Has anyone had something like this and am I going to be okay? My parents think I'm fine, and they always think I'm overreacting although my mom has made an effort to understand what I'm feeling more. I'm in between doctors right now as my first one left the practice recently and I have an appointment with her replacement on January 18th. Is this okay to wait out until then? Also a week or so before all this started, I had yearly bloodwork that came out normal.

ive had a lot of similar issues with my ears, mine pop quite often usually after I’ve had a cold and I’ve had different noises and ringing in my ear too but I’ve been able over the years to try not focus on it as much. If they disappear after taking Xanax it seems to suggest that it’s down to anxiety but if you’re still feeling anxious in a couple of weeks maybe get some peace of mind and see a doctor.