View Full Version : Driving me mad.

07-01-24, 13:26
Hey everyone, Was a member a few years ago when my anxiety was extremely bad and house bound me.

after much help, meds etc and support of the members on here which i am still friends with to this very day! i was most way back to normal in life.

Sadly i lost my father in April and at first before the funeral i was managing just since then gone down badly. i had not much help from doctors this time sadly and had symptoms that come and go. spent weeks with feeling like had double vision, fatigue, etc etc

Been to A n E feeling so ill sometimes, but havent come of work and kept going.

Anyways my new one and rather scary one i have is breathing im trying to avoid going to hospital wasting time as everytime i go i get told it anxiety all test are prefect and i hate needles so i know im bad when i let them take bloods.

but this breathing thing making me go insane atm, i have good oxygen, i have good bp, good breathing rate, just feels like as i breath in i, just not quiet taking in enough at the end. it scaing me and i know im winding myself up as more i try take that deeper breath worst it comes, its there from few minutes of getting up and constantly in my mind as if not taking enough air. i know this isnt a doctors just more the fact i want to not feel like this is only happened to me.

any help be appercited been doing some breathing exercises which has helped but like back my throat tenses up as i feel like i can breath better just waiting for me to take notice again and when i do i feel like cant get deep enough breath.


07-01-24, 16:01
The feeling of not being able to take a fully deep breath has happened to me, and like you, my oxygen is fine. This is going to sound weird but when you feel like you're not getting enough air at the end of a deep breath, try yawning. For me, that usually gets the air in, makes me realize I'm actually ok, and then I breathe a little easier. I hope this helps!