View Full Version : Help panicking!!

30-11-07, 20:11
Hi Everyone,

Tonight my Anxiety seems sooo bad, I am so aware of pulse my head is pounding so much that when I lean back on the sofa my whole head is moving, this is not just in my head my internal shakes are so much worse, nothing has brought on this heightened state of panic?? Normal??
Been on 10mg of Citalopram for the last 4 weeks upping dose tomorrow to 20mg so expect to feel dodgy again..........

Also appreciate anyones views on the following, as trying holistic remedies too!!

Bach Flower Remedies

Trying the first two (ongoing) and Hypnotherapy next weekend!!

I do know that by trying mutiple things I wont know which is working but hey ho having to try all I can right now!!


01-12-07, 00:52
Hi there

I am sorry your anxiety is up so high tonight. I have my good days and bad days as well. I take Paxil and Ativan so I have no advice on the citalopram but normally adjusting meds does take a bit to get use to.
As for the alternative methods I would love to hear how things go for you. I havent any experience but would love to know how these help others. I am at the point of desperation hoping that something will help.
I hope things settle down for you and keep us updated.

01-12-07, 16:36
Hi there
i also get the very bad head shakes and vibrations. At tmes i can hear my heart pulsating through it aswell. I wish i could give you info on how to alleviate this symptom but to let you know that you are not alone even though you may feel as if you are

01-12-07, 19:08
must be a weekend for bad anx I am like a 8/10 on the scale tonight trying to calm down a bit.

Would love to hear your feedback on Hypnotherapy when you go, it's somethign I Am keen to try. Also I get that palsating in my head drives me mad before bedtime. Hope it goes away! And good luck with the alternative treatments I love Acupuncture it's an amazing sensation which I experiance afterwards.

Take care,