View Full Version : Stressed about having a CT Scan

07-01-24, 20:21

Over the past few years, I've managed to keep a lid on my health anxiety, but I'm not due to have double jaw surgery to correct my bite and it's flared up again. I've got to have a CT scan in order to assess my case, and it may sound stupid, but the idea is pretty horrifying to me.

Most of my fears I've put to bed, on account of having them for so many years that if I did actually have some deadly cancer, it would've surely got me by now. But there's still that doubt, and the notion of having one of these very detailed scans of my entire skull feels me with dread that they're going to find something serious incidentally. I've had tinitus, ear fullness, and this hard lump deep under my jaw and beneath my tonsils (that I'm almost certain is actually my styloid bone that has calcified and become elongated, but alas) for years, and I'm terrified of this area of my body I've been worried about for years being illuminated by high def imaging.

I'm also concerned about the radiation. I'm aware the radiation is relatively small (even though I'll be having a medical CT and not a cone beam), but I dunno, I just have the worry this is going to set off a ton of stress for me; I'll be worrying about the risk of getting a radiation-induced brain tumour or something and won't be able to shake it.

Has anyone got any tips for dealing with this? I can feel stuff I've supressed for a long time (by resisting checking and compulsions for the most part) bubbling to the surface again. I've still managed to resist body checking, but it's becoming very tough in the run up to the scan which is in this coming week.

Thanks for any advice!

11-01-24, 16:35

12-01-24, 04:19

Over the past few years, I've managed to keep a lid on my health anxiety, but I'm not due to have double jaw surgery to correct my bite and it's flared up again. I've got to have a CT scan in order to assess my case, and it may sound stupid, but the idea is pretty horrifying to me.

Most of my fears I've put to bed, on account of having them for so many years that if I did actually have some deadly cancer, it would've surely got me by now. But there's still that doubt, and the notion of having one of these very detailed scans of my entire skull feels me with dread that they're going to find something serious incidentally. I've had tinitus, ear fullness, and this hard lump deep under my jaw and beneath my tonsils (that I'm almost certain is actually my styloid bone that has calcified and become elongated, but alas) for years, and I'm terrified of this area of my body I've been worried about for years being illuminated by high def imaging.

I'm also concerned about the radiation. I'm aware the radiation is relatively small (even though I'll be having a medical CT and not a cone beam), but I dunno, I just have the worry this is going to set off a ton of stress for me; I'll be worrying about the risk of getting a radiation-induced brain tumour or something and won't be able to shake it.

Has anyone got any tips for dealing with this? I can feel stuff I've supressed for a long time (by resisting checking and compulsions for the most part) bubbling to the surface again. I've still managed to resist body checking, but it's becoming very tough in the run up to the scan which is in this coming week.

Thanks for any advice!

I can’t give much advise but just wanted to say that I know how you feel. Everytime I had to have a scan I always feel scared they’d find anything. The latest was with brain MRI, which thankfully came out fine. Find things to distract yourself to pass the time faster. When is your CT? I feel you though, waiting sucks.

As for the radiation, lots and lots of people get CT scans with no problem. You’re good!