View Full Version : Having a blip

08-01-24, 13:13
Hi, as the title says today I’m having a blip in my anxiety and can’t seem to rationalise anything.
Currently worrying about breast lumps ( I’ve had about 5 in the past 2 week) have seen the GP and had a very good examination and she’s not concerned about anything. Told me not to check myself again and if I want she will see me in a few weeks.
Also the started me on sertaline which I upped from 25mg to 50mg 2 days ago as she suggested to take 25 for 1 week then increased to 50.

My blip today is I checked and have found yet another lump closer to my sternum could be rib/ muscle but it’s sent me into panic.
Had my mum check and she says what she feels it totally normal and I’m obsessing over normal human body as we’re not totally smooth.
Also said I was Checked 1 week ago by GP and anything would have been felt then so be reasurred by that.

Logically I probably know it’s right and need to trust the professionals but my brain is telling me to keep prodding and poking until I find somthing else and question “ maybe they didn’t feel that bit”
Just looking for some advice on how I can get this out my head
Could the increase in medication be making my anxiety spiral as it’s a new dose . Thank you

08-01-24, 17:04
You are absolutely ok, according to the professionals (emphasis on professionals). Whenever I worry irrationally about wrong diagnosis, especially the type where there's no referrals or 1 week follow ups, I tell myself "this is the drs job and livelihood on the line, if it was serious they wouldn't mess about". What's even more comforting (in my opinion) is that the Dr you saw was female. Not to discredit male Drs because they of course know their stuff, but breast lumps are an extremely personal thing for women. She checked you over and was comfortable to say you're ok, she knows her stuff and as a fellow woman who has to do the same checks and perhaps even worries about the possibilities of one day finding something, she wouldn't say so comfortably you're ok and just let you go with a prescription of anxiety medication.

Drs generally are so good about things like lumps and bumps, if they felt something was even slightly off she would have told you she wants it looked at, even if she didn't think it was anything serious. The fact she didn't do that is extremely reassuring because she's so confident that what you're feeling is normal that she's literally willing to put her career on the line by saying "you're ok". Drs like to cover themselves a lot of the time, if they aren't 100% sure that what you're feeling is normal there's no way you're leaving that room without a referral of some kind. To repeat what I've already said, misdiagnosing something that requires referall can land a Dr in a lot of trouble.

08-01-24, 17:49
Thank you for putting this into a rational way.
Yes the Dr was female and did a very good examination.
I just keep thinking what if she didn’t feel “ this lump” which of course she will have as she felt all over in the correct way.
She told me to look her in the eyes while she said it was fine she said I can have a referral to a clinic but she saw no need at all so I took her work for it as don’t want to go down the route of test and test causing more stress.
Thank you 😊