View Full Version : Bleeding gums

08-01-24, 21:16
Hi, Hey, hello (:

I’ve not been on here for a few years now. I managed to keep my health anxiety at a low level and started enjoying my life and not worrying about every little ache and pain

But. I don’t know what’s set me off, maybe stress levels being high, maybe me turning 30 in 2 weeks
My mind has latched onto something. And I know it’s gonna drive me insane.
My gums bleed after I brush my teeth. Now this has been going on for months. And I didn’t give it a second thought, but tonight I brushed them and thought Hm that’s a bit of blood. I’ve always just assumed I’m
1) not brushing enough (I do occasionally fall asleep before brushing my teeth at night)
2) I don’t floss
3) I’m brushing too hard
4) I’ve got sensitive teeth and my brush is just really irritating them

I do deep down think it’s option 3, because even my partner thinks I brush my teeth too hard and I probably have to get a new brush every 2/3 weeks - I don’t even know if that’s normal or not! I’ve just always had to do this
And then maybe not brushing every single night and not flossing

But I’ve latched onto a google post saying bleeding gums can be a sign of leukaemia. And it won’t go. I can’t stop obsessing. Please someone put my mind at ease. I’m going to book in for the dentist, probably next June the way my dentist is recently

08-01-24, 21:23
Get yourself some disposable flossers, and an extra or ultra soft toothbrush. Floss once per day (gently) and brush using the soft brush. My gums used to bleed quite a bit, and now they rarely do, even during my cleanings at the dentist where they poke and prod. I am a hard brusher, but the soft toothbrush really helps.