View Full Version : Vertigo/sickness

15-01-24, 18:40
This isn’t actually about me but my dad. I have major health anxiety so this has totally sent me spiralling even though it isn’t me! He works away in the Netherlands, has a stressful job and high blood pressure (medicated) so this has given me the spook!

Last week said he got up off the sofa about to go to bed, hit with sudden dizziness/vertigo. It’s given him a right fright I think. Got himself to bed and just went to sleep. Got up the next day and felt a bit rubbish but was more or less fine. Day after that got to work and had to be driven home as he was sick and had the dizziness again, along with stuffy nose etc so felt like he was coming down with something. He said he felt turning his head to the right was triggering the dizziness, like looking to cross the road so he spent the weekend resting and has been fine since. Has said only in the morning when first up can feel slightly off balance but majorly better than last week. It’s really scared me as I’m worried it’s blood pressure related, stroke/heart attack or something. I’ve read about bppv or labrynthitis, as the turning of the head seemed to trigger it he thinks and wondered if it was his ears as he felt like they felt a bit clogged up on one side. He is home next week and wants to go to the doctor then but it’s really given us all a fright!

Has anyone had experience with ear issues that have caused this or anything? I know it’s one for a medical professional but any ideas?

08-02-24, 14:27
Bless you both, I can see how frightening this can feel. Did he visit the doctor? How is he now?