View Full Version : Scared of leukemia/lymphoma

20-01-24, 02:06
Hey everyone,
It has been a while since IÂ’ve posted here. But I wanted to share my latest anxiety worries because I know on this forum I can get clear insightful advice.

Right after thanksgiving, I developed an upper respiratory infection. Two weeks later my 2 year old son got me sick. He had COVID. As I was getting over COVID, my husband got sick. We assumed it was COVID but it was notÂ… it was influenza A. So as I am on the tail end of recovering from COVID, I got diagnosed with influenza A. I thought I cleared the infection, then I came down with pneumoniaÂ… it was absolutely a horrific time for me.

After I finished the antibiotics I couldnÂ’t resist the urge to go to the ER to check for a pulmonary embolism because at that point I was so exhausted and I could not handle anymore anxiety. I needed to be sure I was in the clear.

They drew lab work and my WBC was critically low, my platelets were also a little low. They asked if I wanted to discharged home or admitted for observation and a hematology consult. Of course I choose to be admitted because I needed to know if there was something else wrong with me.

They rechecked my labs and my WBC was now 2.6 and my neutrophils increased to 1.4, my platelets were also trending upward. The very next day at 7am the hematology fellow came to me and said I donÂ’t think you need to be in the hospital. This is all a normal response to a viral infection. ItÂ’s gonna take time for your bodyÂ’s immune system to get back up.

They did lots of labs to rule out, what IÂ’m assuming would be leukemia. They did a peripheral blood smear. For the most part everything came back normal. They did a repeat lab draw and my platelets were now in normal range and my wbc was still 2.6 but my neutrophils had dropped to .6 (apparently neutrophils are lowest in the morning)

I never directly asked them if they thought I had cancer because I couldnÂ’t let my mind go there. Before I was discharged the attending and fellow came to see me again. They said they see these drops all the time with viral infections. They advised me to retest in 4 weeks. If it is still high then I should follow up with hematology.

I am emotionally drained and exhausted. It has been one thing after another and this is by far one of the hardest things I have gone through. I still fear I have cancer and IÂ’m checking my body over and over again. For bruises (which by the way I have one small bruise on my leg) I am obsessing about the fact that I could have cancer even though no one has said this. And there is a very logical explanation for my low WBC. I had COVID and the flu and pneumonia!!!

i have been on multiple sites asking multiple doctors if they think I may have cancer and they all say not based on any of the information provided. I even paid 50 dollars to ask a doctor a question on they ask a doctor a question website. I asked if he couple intrepret my results and he says everything points to this being a result of a viral infection and then agreeing with my hematologist

i Have had panic attacks everyday. Waiting to repeat labs in 10+ is excruciating. IÂ’m trying to remain hopeful and optimistic but I canÂ’t stop googling. I fear the worse. This has never happened to me before and IÂ’m honestly traumatized.

I wish I had never gone to the ER to check for a PE. which by the wayÂ… I donÂ’t have a PE.

How can I get these thoughts to stop? I need to find a way to keep my mind busy for the next 10 days. I am scared that when I repeat my labs, they are gonna be worse. I am truly truly spiraling.

if anyone can add words of wisdom or advice I would surely appreciate it.

a fellow health anxiety friend who is really struggling