View Full Version : I How do you cope with HA when it comes to a loved one?

22-01-24, 19:28
My wife got covid the day after xmas, then it cleared up. Two weeks later she has all these new symptoms come out of the blue, which seem like they could be related to a viral infection, being covid, so I looked them up to help her come up with ways to deal with the symptoms.

Needless to say, cancer came up (doesn't it always?) as a perfect match for the symptoms she has developed.

What was intended as an innocent effort to help her alleviate what I assumed to be post covid viral related issues, has turned into a full blown HA attack on my part for her.

In my head, I have already catastrophised to the point where I am wondering if I am strong enough to help her through it, how will we tell our grown kids, and a hundred other things. You know the thoughts. Bear in mind, she has only now had these new symptoms for about 8 or 9 days.

The problem is, antibiotics didn't help the symptoms at all, and they have actually gotten somewhat worse. That fuels my worries, the "what if" scenarios.

She did make an appointment with her GP the day after tomorrow. Hopefully she will get some answers then, and more importantly, some relief. The poor woman's sleep has been terrible.

I pride myself in having more or less overcome health anxiety when it comes to my own health, but I am now beginning to realize I have miles to go when it comes to those I love.

The worst part is, we are very open in our communication, and she can read me like a book after 30 years together, so she knows I am spun up, which then I think she says it isn't so bad because she doesn't want me to worry even more.

How do you deal with it when it is someone you love and not yourself?

How does your loved one deal with it when you worry about them?

30-01-24, 21:19
I know how you feel! Worrying about lived ones is hundred times worse than worrying about yourself :-( I’ve learned to be logical about my own health issues and don’t get scared much about myself anymore. But about husband, and, the worst of all, about daughter… Oh my… Health anxiety is still there.
I have no recipe how to manage it successfully. I just do not Google (takes a huge effort). And sometimes amidst a health scare I just sit somewhere alone and speak out loud to myself, listing all the cases when I was wrong with diagnoses and listing all arguments why husband or daughter must be ok. Doing it out loud somehow helps me. I manage to persuade myself in a day or two that they are fine.
I hope your wife will feel better soon.Post-Covid syndrome can be long-lasting, but it is not cancer!

02-02-24, 05:10
She is having further problems that seem sinister, and has been back to the doctor a couple times since the first post. Yeah, it is a grim, grim ride. She had bloodwork done today, and she gave me the highlights, and lots of stuff is out of range. She also has swelling lumps all over that could indicate autoimmune diseases, reactions to her antibiotics, or possibly lymphoma. Needless to say, I am a bit of a mess. Guess I will try to do a day at a time and hope for the best, but at least she is taking her health seriously. She was given prednisone today, so hopefully that helps.

02-02-24, 20:19
The only thing worse than HA about yourself is HA about a loved one. So sorry you are dealing with this. But it sounds like she is being looked after and although i know nothing about her situation or her symptoms the chances are that she WILL be absolutely fine. Keep us posted xx