View Full Version : Misreading and mishearing words very worried about neurological problems

24-01-24, 04:32
I made a post a while back about having dementia concerns. I'm 27 so I know that is extremely unlikely, but I can't shake the fear that something slowly going wrong with my brain. For a while I was paying extremely close attention to my ability to pay attention and remember things. I'm still a bit in the habit of doing this but reading about Functional Cognitive Disorder was really helpful. This page in particular describes exactly what those issues are like https://neurosymptoms.org/en/symptoms/fnd-symptoms/functional-cognitive-symptoms/ It feels like I'm beginning to make progress and then I keep falling down rabbit holes of various symptoms/diseases. One day it was disorganized thinking and minor visual disturbances and I got so freaked out about schizophrenia and another day it was a slight tremble in my hands and I was terrified about parkinson's.

One issue I've had sort of on and off the past few months is making mistakes reading, listening and writing. It seems to be worse the more I think about it or the more anxious I am but when I read I find myself misreading words constantly. "slick" becomes "sick" or "bind" becomes "blind" sometimes its words that are further off than that. It feels like my mind is constantly rushing to fill in words after only a glance and it frequently makes mistakes. Sometimes it's hard to read slowly because my eyes are constantly scanning ahead trying to read everything instantaneously. When I force myself to slow down pay close attention and/or read aloud I can do so reasonably well. But when I come across a block of text, especially if it's written in a way that's difficult to skim I panic slightly. I have similar issues writing but I mostly just think it takes me way longer than it should to write/proofread something.

When it comes to listening it's almost the exact same problem. Earlier today my friend said "jane" and I heard "jean" I was just watching a video and I misheard "grin" as "grid". Obviously people make that kind of mistake occasionally but it feels like it's all the time for me. I'm on edge whenever I'm listening or reading anything. Once or twice a day I struggle spelling a relatively common word. Today it was "experiment" I'm worried I have aphasia or some other issue with my language processing. Last week I noticed myself struggling to pay attention when other people were talking. Probably worth mentioning that I have ADD and had language delays as a child, but I usually manage better than I have been the past few weeks. I really really hope it's just that my mind is hypervigilant and trying to process things too quickly and that I'm paying too much attention to my mistakes. I feel like I'm falling apart though.