View Full Version : Night sweats - doctor sending me to rapid diagnosis clinic

24-01-24, 17:10
Hey.. hopefully this is posted in the right section!

so I've had night sweats for a little while now (a few years?), and by that I mean the drenching kind. It happens at least a few times a week to that degree, but I'll always have dampness of some kind. The GP did loads of blood tests (to rule out infection and check my FBC, etc), thyroid function test, and a chest x-ray, which all came back normal. They also did a blood film microscopy which was normal. I also had a scan on my neck because he felt a lump which turned out to be benign thyroid cysts or something.

The only concern other than that was the slight weight loss which was 60kg in Feb 2022 (also 60kg in Oct 2023) but is now 58kg. So it's like 2kg weight loss in 2 months or so? I'm monitoring it now but I also know that it could be for any number of reasons, not eating as much, anxiety maybe, idk. However I had the night sweats before the weight loss so :shrug:

Unfortunately because I have health anxiety, the fact they've referred me to a rapid diagnosis clinic (mainly for suspected cancer) and it's a 2 week referral makes me think the worst is suspected. But the doctor did say she thinks it's possible it could be anxiety related maybe and that none of my tests done so far really showed any red flags.

The only thing I'm wondering for the night sweats is if it's to do with a lack of ventilation as the apartment we're living in the ventilation system has broken and with it being winter the windows are closed a lot etc. Or if it's a combo of also what I'm wearing, where I'm sleeping, the blankets I use etc. Or I guess it could be hormonal. But I had hormonal tests done and nothing came back..

Anyone had this kind of thing before and it turned out to be nothing to worry about? Or anyone have any experience of night sweats that are just benign or unexplained (no sinister reason?)

Edit: actually looking up my ultrasound result for my thyroid and there was a "non-reactive benign features lymph node" measuring 9.3 x 5mm. The sonographer who did the exam said not to worry at the time and my GP doctor doesn't think anything needs action, but I always thought a) non-reactive nodes are bad and b) anything measuring almost 10mm or over is also bad. :/ However, they don't seem to feel the need to assess it further or monitor it??

06-02-24, 08:01
Sounds to me like a last ditch attempt to check all bases. If you're not experiencing any other symptoms and it's been that way for roughly three years I wouldn't put money down that you have anything sinister happening. I have gone through 4 months of night sweats due to my anxiety, I'm talking soaked sheet kind every few days, dampness every night, and it turned out fine so I don't see why it couldn't be the case for you. Perhaps you're more anxious than me, perhaps you worry about it more often. I can't comment on the characteristics of your ultrasound for certain but if I recall non-reactive means the node isn't engaging in fighting infection, benign means the node shows no sign of anything that would indicate uncontrolled replication happenings. This is not medical advice, follow up with your doctor if you are concerned.
Good luck!

09-04-24, 11:52
Hi LuSmith

Did you find anything as my husband literally started this 4 days ago. I thought he had the flu but there is no fever....im super worried about it. Hés not an anxious person so I can't put it down to that!