View Full Version : Scared of lymphoma

30-01-24, 20:59
I'm not doing well with my health anxiety. It seems like it's one thing after the other. I'm in need if reassurance please. Last night I woke up with night sweats. I had to change my shirt because it was damp. I'm due for my period any day. Then I remembered today that I have one spot above my ankle that has been itching for several years. No rash. I'm so scared if these are symptoms of lymphoma. im spiraling right now:( I don't feel any swollen lymph nodes.
I'm 46 female I want to believe that the night sweat was hormonal. But then the itchy spot came to mind and it sent me in to panic mode. Would the itching be more wide spread?

30-01-24, 22:12
I have night sweats a lot and I don't have lymphoma - it is normal for me.

With regard to the itch and having it several years - if you had lymphoma you would be seriously ill by now so I don't think that is related at all.

If you are worried of course you should see a doctor.

31-01-24, 01:28
Thank you so much. So you don't think the itch and night sweat are related? My rational mind tells me by now I would be very ill and I would know, but then I become irrational and the panic attacks take over and say that itch is from lymphoma. I know I shouldn't google but when I did it said that itching could be wide spread or in one spot and as soon as I read that it made me spiral with panic. I don't feel anything swollen in my neck groin or arm pits, I have no cough or trouble breathing. It's just an itchy spot and night sweat. I'm afraid tongo to bed because I worry if I have another night sweat. My rational mind is telling me that it's most likely hormonal. Especially at my age and I am expecting my period. But my health anxiety takes over :(

31-01-24, 17:28
Hey! I've had a terrible lymphoma anxiety and I totally understand you! From what I've learnt and experienced - itching would be really hard to stand! Plus, anxiety May cause itching too! I've had this as well, my whole body was itching and it was nothing but anxiety! Night sweats - they used to drive me insane, but also - very popular cause for them is just stress and anxiety, also feminine hormones may cause them. As well as simply too hot temperature in your bedroom.

31-01-24, 20:11
I'm not doing well :( I'm so anxious and sad and scared. The itch is worrying me. It's been going on do long, what if I left it too late?? I'm trying to be rational it's just so hard. Would the itching with lymphoma start 1st? Would it be more wide spread? Doesn't make sense that the one night sweat happens like to years later?? I'm trying to reason with myself :(

04-02-24, 19:56
You are doing what we do best- you are connecting completely unrelated symptoms. You are 46- dear it is time for night sweats to start. I get them worse at the time of my cycle. I am 46 as well. Last month, I literally wet my shirt with one, and didn't this month. Your hormones are likely causing your anxiety too! My MD has me place Lugols Iodine on a qtip and insert into the vagina and swirl around for a few seconds. It balances hormones and has really helped w my anxiety. maybe try it. I use the 5%.

07-02-24, 11:16
I also have night sweats, Is it normal, or do I have to do some tests? Facing sweat problem for a few weeks.