View Full Version : snapping sound in head - really scared

01-12-07, 11:05
Please can someone help before I crack up.

Last night as I was drifting off to sleep I heard a snapping sound in my forehead. It didnt hurt, but is really frecking me out. It was quite loud too. Does anyone have any idea what it could be?

I thought that I wouldnt wake up this morning and am really scared.

Brain haemorrage/aneurysm etc are going through my head at the minute.

It happened over 12 hours ago now.

I darent tell anyone in case they think I am going mad.

I have been suffering from really bad tension in my head, shoulders and neck for a long time. Could it be something to do with that? My first reaction was the muscles across my forehead had snapped - but I am able to frown and move the muscles there - so not really sure.

Also, I dont have a headache as such - just tension from all the worry.

01-12-07, 11:21
I too have have had this in my head, once when I was in Tesco I heard what I thought was a gun shot which came from my head, it was really loud and since then this has happened about four or five times. This is something to do with tension and I did some research on this and apparently it happens when we are really stressed and tired, have even read that this is a good thing when it happens drifting off to sleep coz it means that the body is starting to relax.

Hope this puts your mind at rest, I found the information about this in Claire Weeks Self Help for your Nerves book, it really described this symptom to a tee and put my mind at rest knowing it was normal.


01-12-07, 11:30
Hi Carol

Thank you so so much for replying to me.:hugs:

I was so scared. I really thought it was something life threatening etc. I wanted my husband to drive me to A & E, but was so scared to tell him in case he thought I was losing my mind.

I have a slight headache now - but could be from the worry I am doing.

Thanks once again.:yesyes:

01-12-07, 16:45
Hi Anne, if it had been a hemerage( can't spell) after 12 hours I think you would have noticed other symtems by now,I get strange sounds like someone shouting as I go to sleep can't explain that one lol:D
Look after yourself:flowers: