View Full Version : Too anxious to take Medication I need to take

02-02-24, 21:15
I have always had an irrational fear of anaphylaxis.
I have a colonoscopy on Monday and they have given me Senna to take for two nights before the prep liquid on Sunday.
I am too anxious to take it incase I go into anaphylaxis’s because it’s a plant I have never had before .

02-02-24, 22:38
I have never know them give people Senna before prep - do you know why?

You will be fine with it though.

02-02-24, 23:50
I have never know them give people Senna before prep - do you know why?

You will be fine with it though.

I also haven’t.

They have told me to take senna every night for until I begin bowel prep( it is usually four nights but I received the prep late)which will be on Sunday. That will be the no eating and pricolax(can’t quite actually remember the name)

I am still yet to take the senna though.

03-02-24, 00:35
You will be fine with the Senna and if you don't follow their instructions they may not do the procedure.

03-02-24, 10:03
You will be fine with the Senna and if you don't follow their instructions they may not do the procedure.

I did take it around 6am and will just take it again tonight. Just had to rub it on my tongue first and wait 30 mins(anxiety is so weird) but wish I would have thought of that last night but must of just worked myself up too much.

Thank you for replying.

03-02-24, 20:12
Good luck with the procedure.

04-02-24, 18:11
I have always had an irrational fear of anaphylaxis.
I have a colonoscopy on Monday and they have given me Senna to take for two nights before the prep liquid on Sunday.
I am too anxious to take it incase I go into anaphylaxis’s because it’s a plant I have never had before .

Just to add onto this with a new different worry. I have taken the proper bowel prep today and not much seems to be happening. I’m worried they won’t be able to do the colonoscopy tomorrow or that I have such a large tumour in my colon that I can’t even get laxatives to work.
I still have to take the second lot at 7pm but not much has happened and the Senna also did not work either.

04-02-24, 20:34
Anything happened yet?

04-02-24, 21:22
Anything happened yet?

Keeping an eye on the news for a nuclear test story ;)
Just waiting...

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04-02-24, 22:38
They have in fact worked. I’m not sure how well but I guess I won’t know until I get there tomorrow.

Obviously still very anxious about it showing something awful but I guess there’s no point being worried twice.

Thank you for the responses.

05-02-24, 11:06
They have in fact worked. I’m not sure how well but I guess I won’t know until I get there tomorrow.

Obviously still very anxious about it showing something awful but I guess there’s no point being worried twice.

Thank you for the responses.

So I had it done today and they found one polyp and now I am now terrified that I have cancer. I have to wait ages for the result. I didn’t even think 25 year olds get polyps. It was also way bigger than a normal polyp as it was 4mm and aren’t they supposed to only be between 0.5-1mm if they’re nothing.

05-02-24, 15:23
A year ago, my husband had a 17mm polyp removed. The consultant was convinced during the colonoscopy process that it was benign, and this was confirmed by the biopsy afterwards. He also had six others removed, all benign.

05-02-24, 15:40
A year ago, my husband had a 17mm polyp removed. The consultant was convinced during the colonoscopy process that it was benign, and this was confirmed by the biopsy afterwards. He also had six others removed, all benign.

If you have polyps will they all become cancer eventually? Is that how that works? I’m a bit confused by what it says online.

05-02-24, 15:45
No, they probably won't become cancer. But, because probably, they need to be removed.

06-02-24, 10:38
Sorry back again. I think this has really set me off actually worse than I was before. Probably because I never had something like this done before.

I have pain today almost under my right rib which I didn’t have yesterday. It started after I was able to go to the toilet but they were still very thin. Would I know if they had perforated my bowel straight away? The doctor said it would be normal to see blood as I had a polyp removed but only a little bit what is considered a little as it was very noticeable. He also said pain should only be for 24 hours but it has been longer than that.

06-02-24, 16:46
They should have given you an after-care sheet with a number on it. It may be worthwhile giving them a call for reassurance.

I think if the bowel was perforated you would be in agony.