View Full Version : Clicking/Popping in throat

03-02-24, 08:04
Hi all it's been a while, I'd love to say that's because I've been well since my last post but more that I haven't posted when I've had my "bouts"

Anyway I feel like I'm stuck this time and would truly appreciate some opinions/advice.

So this bout started well over a month ago when I started experiencing winded/breathlessness on and off throughout the day with no apparent reason as well as some wheezing.
This led me to go to my Dr who wasn't overly worried and put it down to vaping and my weight (I'm very overweight)
She listened to my chest and said it was perfectly clear.
Anyway she sent me for a lung function test to put my mind at ease which I had and the results were really good.
We agreed that I would slowly reduce my nicotine and then stop vaping which I am now doing and only on a very low strength of nicotine.
I have also changed my eating habits and I am losing weight all be it slowly as I have under active thyroid.

A had a really good week where my anxiety began to subside and things were getting better by the day.
Then I woke up one morning and heard a couple of clicking/popping sounds when I breathed coming from my throat. I have had this back during COVID lockdown which caused me a lot of anxiety and I have had it a couple of other times since. I also get globus and tight neck muscles during anxious and stressful times. Which I'm pretty sure I had the first time I heard this noise.
I also get clicking when swallowing fluids.
The reason I'm so worried now is because I can hear it most of the day when just sitting and breathing or when talking and because I have an under active thyroid I'm scared that maybe my thyroid is growing. I remember speaking to my GP about clicking/popping noises in my throat when I first wake up and his reply was "can you eat and drink ok?" To which I replied yes, he replied "Then there's no need to worry"

My GP called a few days ago to tell me about the good results from the lung function test and asked how I was doing, I told her not good and that i was hearing clicking sounds in my throat, she didn't say anything about it and just asked if I had started my therapy yet so I guess if she was concerned she'd of asked to see me right?
I also have reflux quite bad at the moment.

Sorry for the long post.

03-02-24, 19:59
I get clicking when i swallows fluids too. Especially if my head is slightly turned

03-02-24, 21:15
I get clicking when i swallows fluids too. Especially if my head is slightly turned

Hi jojo thank you for your reply, It's so frustrating all of these symptoms we deal with, it's so hard to believe that they are from anxiety 😏

The clicking when swallowing I've had ever since I first experienced globus a few years ago that I can hear as well as feel but the other popping/clicking that is there most of the day just generally breathing not swallowing is a lot more subtle and I can only hear it not really feel it. I just can't think of a reason for it other than the bad stuff my anxious mind is telling me.

08-02-24, 09:03
Anyone please?