View Full Version : Slight tight chest/shallow breathing- Acid reflux/gastritis?

08-02-24, 16:04
Since Monday I have had a slight issue with my breathing. i am sure I have had it before with either gastritis or acid reflux. I don't get any of the burning etc. however sometimes feel the need to burp. I got some Omeprozole on Monday and yesterday afternoon I think it started to ease a bit however today it is worse again. I did have a couple of glasses of prosecco last night that probably did not help.

I spoke to my doctors and a nurse practictioner called me back. She has made my anxiety worse. She said gastritis/reflux have a broad amount of symptoms but did not say what she thought it was. She said being breathless is different but then said if I get worse to call 111 or go a&e! I wanted peace of mind and now I am worse. Has anyone had this feeling before? I just want to know if it is normal. Being anxious makes it worse as I am so consious about it, I am sure last night I didnt think about it as much. I hate this anxiety. I then googled and.....

08-02-24, 16:37
Is it possible your breathlessness is to do with anxiety. It is a key symptom of that…

08-02-24, 17:10
I don’t think so but maybe…nurse didn’t mention it but she was not great

08-02-24, 18:18
It’s now always on my mind! I can’t do all this anymore, I can’t enjoy life

09-02-24, 21:44
This happens to me a lot with reflux. If it gets bad and high up on in my throat it makes my chest tight and gives me the feeling of shortness of breath. If you're really concerned, I'd just go to the doctor. But, you could also try an antacid. I'll usually take pepcid and if that helps I know that's all it is.

I’ll add when I have it (I’m having it now) I don’t feel the normal burning either. I do get heartburn like that, but that’s type isn’t associated with the chest stuff. It’s when it’s up in my throat and not as noticeable burning wise that it bothers my check and breathing.