View Full Version : Falling back into a vicious cycle

13-02-24, 19:27
Its been a good while since I have had to post on here, I would say the last few years I have managed to keep my HA under control sorta. But the last few months I feel like I've been gradually getting worse and worse with it.

Last 2 months I have had to call an ambulance out because I thought I was having a heart attack, ECG and other vitals were all normal and the ambulance crew didn't feel it was anything other then anxiety.

Also during this time I have felt my vision being weird, its like it takes a lot more to focus on stuff then normal and then the more I try and focus and it seems to get worse.

The other newer thing, is that for the past week I have had pain when swallowing, now normally I wouldn't take any notice of that but I have zero other symptoms, no cold/flu/fever, no white patches or spots at the back of my throat. I even went to see my GP today and he said he can't see anything wrong (no strep or thrush). I have never had this before, if I had a cold or something it wouldn't bother me in a way. I start looking at other things and throat cancer pops up which makes it worse.

And then today I get a headache at like the top of my forehead above my right eye, which I have never had before either. I just feel like its either my body given up and I am on deaths door or its my anxiety peaking like it did years ago.

Any advice would be sound.

13-02-24, 21:10
I think the breadth and range of your symptoms is all the evidence you need!

14-02-24, 19:32
Hey! I don't have any advice but I want to say you're not alone! I'm in exactly the same place lately, freaking out about 4th self diagnosed cancer this month! I believe that when the spring comes, days become longer, it will be easier to cope and distract ourselves. Stay strong!

14-02-24, 20:39
I too hope this is true…. Some sunshine will make all the difference (i hope!)