View Full Version : help needed!

01-12-07, 18:52
Hiya all,

Well,for the last 2 weeks i've ben paranoid that I have a brain tumor or another cancer because of my symptoms, before that it was my heart, but I went to my doctors last night in a blind state of panic!

I told her that i felt like i am going mad because i know that im always worrying and that this time ive got a brain tumor, and im so scared because iv just had a baby daughter and i don't want to leave her behind.

the doctor reassured me that these symptoms are not brain cancer or any other cancer and my blood test results from just a few weeks ago are normal...my symptoms are anxiety.

believe it or not i am pleased about that, but i just can't shake this feeling that I know im always thinking about the way i feel...does that make sense??? it just makes me feel unwell, can't put my finger on it. The doctor said its normal for new mums to feel this way too, and was hinting that i may have depression which i am so confident that i don't!

Anyone got any suggestions how to take my mind off this and start to feel better???


01-12-07, 19:01
Hi Cassi

I feel like that a lot of the time, ever since I have had my son I have been so anxiety driven it's been marking me go a bot looney. I never suffered from PND but I do worry a lot about my health and sometimes my son because I don't want to miss him growing up or leave him with anybody else but me.

I also have a lot of worry about cancers and brain tumours, even brain anurisims or how ever you spell it because I don't want to miss a second with him. I have been to private and NHS docs as well as eye specialists and they all say that I am fine in that respect

but try tell my brain that!
I think you have to think positive and think that no matter what happens you will stay alive for your daughter you are going to fight this! and fight what ever else comes in your way. It's been suggested get a hobby and engross yourself in it. I am actually paying for private therapy simply because I don't want tablets or to be on years of waiting lists I just want to get better for the sake of my son, and I am sure you want to get better for your daughter.

But at least you are not alone. :) sorry to ramble it just felt like I was reading my own post :P

Take care,