View Full Version : I think I need some positive thoughts from Fishmanpa!!

18-02-24, 09:38
Going in on Tuesday to have a liver biopsy, I am so frightened, read some experiences and people mentioned vasovagal attacks! That's scared me even more as dizziness was always my nemesis.....why is it even when you try and keep calm your anxious self is still there....I'm not sure i can do this

18-02-24, 09:59
Julia, I'm not sure if fishman will see this as his name is covered in the title box before you click on to read.
Maybe you could do a search on this Site for comfort, I'm sure others have been posting about this at some time. x

18-02-24, 15:00
I saw your thread and had never heard of esophagus varices so I looked it up. It makes sense they would check based on what I read. The positives are all the normal tests but the doctors are doing their due diligence in checking. Hold onto those positives and let us know how you make out.

Positive thoughts

18-02-24, 18:40
I'm just so scared, scared of the pain, scared of the numbing injection, scared of the recovery incase of the bleeding, how can I get past this? I know you have been through a lot

18-02-24, 19:36
how can I get past this? I know you have been through a lot

I have. The answer is 'you just do'. What choice do you have? You have doctors looking out for your best interests and again, the positives are all the clear bloodwork. Surely they would have detected liver issues in the bloodwork right? Of course they would. You can and will deal with this and get it done. Sending positive thoughts for the all clear.


19-02-24, 09:30
Yes it would , they are looking for infiltrative diseases now to see what's causing the varices , thank you for your reply , it made me v emotional, I feel more scared today than yesterday as its getting closer I keep thinking of all the reasons to cancel....I'm sure I won't I stupidly googled about some people's experiences in the hope it would help me a couple did but conversely a couple made it worse through them having vasovagal issues , my brain is so full going over and over I'm not even considering the results...its getting it done!