View Full Version : Concussion ?

20-02-24, 09:04
Hey just need to vent/support. Female 22 on no medication. Yesterday on a bus I stood up and hit my head. I didn’t stand up very fast and my head didn’t hurt from the bump at all. I have HA (hence being in this thread!!) but I’m just wondering should I go doctor to check for concussion ? I keep telling myself other people hit their head much harder and don’t panic ? I can’t differentiate concussion symptoms from anxiety symptoms. I was fine after the bump just a bit ffs here we go again cause I knew I was going to spiral and I walked home fine and have been coherent on the phone/ at work / with friends etc
How do ye deal with little bumps ? Normal people don’t react the same way

20-02-24, 09:29
You're fine, I promise. Absolutely nothing you've said here suggests concussion.