View Full Version : Wart on labia? Same partner for 16yrs

21-02-24, 10:35
So I think I have a wart on my labia.i found it today and im so scared. I’m 40, and been with my husband for 16 years, and both never had genital warts before so HOW can this be happening? Does this mean he has cheated? I honestly don’t think he would.

It’s about 3mm and quite rough. It was white at first put after lots of poking it is now skin coloured. It isn’t sore or itchy or anything.

Where do I go from here? Will it go away on its own?

What if I’m wrong and it’s cancer? Is there a way to tell.

I’m so worried, so many questions!

21-02-24, 10:44
Honestly, the best thing to do is get it checked.

21-02-24, 20:27
So I think I have a wart on my labia.i found it today and im so scared. I’m 40, and been with my husband for 16 years, and both never had genital warts before so HOW can this be happening? Does this mean he has cheated? I honestly don’t think he would.

It’s about 3mm and quite rough. It was white at first put after lots of poking it is now skin coloured. It isn’t sore or itchy or anything.

Where do I go from here? Will it go away on its own?

What if I’m wrong and it’s cancer? Is there a way to tell.

I’m so worried, so many questions!

It could be lichens scoliosis - your GP should be able to tell you. It’s common in older women.

22-02-24, 12:45
Thank you for your replies.
I’ve calmed down a bit today, yesterday I was completely spiralling. I guess my two fears are;

1) why I suddenly have an sti after 16 yrs with the same partner

2) the link to HPV and cervical cancer.

Truth is, I cannot be 100% certain it even is a wart, I guess it’s just because it is quite a rough feeling spot, though it is tiny. It’s in the inner labia near my vagina, where there are no hairs otherwise I may have hoped it could be just an ingrown hair.
I might watch it for a while to see if it changes or goes away. I’m not sure my HA could cope with a trip to the GUM clinic. But I don’t wanna risk my health by ignoring something if that is the wrong thing to do.

What would you do?