View Full Version : Embarrassing Red Cheeks

22-02-24, 00:46
I'm a guy, and for some reason, my cheeks are rosy all the time, and it's not Rosacea. Even if I am doing nothing, I have perpetually red cheeks. And if I've been exercising, hot, or embarrassed, my cheeks get so hot and VERY red. It's been like this all my life, and I am self-conscious about it. I was fine when I was little since people called them 'cute,' but the older I get the weirder it looks seeing an me with rosy red cheeks. People do comment on them occasionally asking if I'm sunburnt or why am I "blushing", which is hamulating.
Is it normal for a guy to have red cheeks? Anyway to change them?
Anyone with anything similar?


23-02-24, 05:05
How do you know it’s not rosacea, have you seen a gp? If not, I’d recommend it just so you can see if it’s something medical.

If it’s not, maybe you could look into skincare for redness, maybe a very slightly tinted moisturiser. This is only if you really want to & it’s affecting your day to day life. Or maybe even therapy to address any issues that you’re having.