View Full Version : High blood pressure reading

22-02-24, 16:12
Hi all,

I bought a BP monitor yesterday and today decided to take my blood pressure. I was quite anxious taking it and the first reading really shocked me... 180/95... i then did another one which was 172/95.
Now an hour later i have calmed down a bit and it's 150/93. Which still sounds really high to me. I don't understand why it's so high, i'm 34 and not overweight.
I called my GP to schedule an appointment and they booked me for money. Hopefully i will survive until then... :wacko:

It might be to do with anxiety but these BP readings really scare me... what can i do??

22-02-24, 16:24
They really aren't that bad to be honest but see your GP and they may want to do a 24 hour monitor.

22-02-24, 16:47
Thanks, it sounds really high to me because i thought it was supossed to be 120/80. I just did another one and it's 155/99 now. I don't know if i'm still stressed but i was trying to relax as much as possible when taking it.

22-02-24, 18:08
They will be high now as you are conscious of it so it will naturally go higher.

22-02-24, 18:40
Thank you Nicola! Little update i just took my BP once more and it's still quite high: 162/96. I did deep breathing and calming down before taking it. I'm just trying not to obsess about it or freak out, and leave the BP monitor alone for a bit... maybe i should've never bought one:wacko:

22-02-24, 20:12
My readings are always high when I see doctor or go to hospital.

Try not to worry as I suspect when you see doctor it will be high as well which is why they may recommend a 24 hour monitor.

It is nothing too serious as yet but you are doing the right thing in getting it checked out.

23-02-24, 11:18
Hi, it's the next day and i did one more BP check: 170/90, pulse 72. I relaxed 10 minutes before taking. Why is the above number so high???
Also, should i call GP or wait till monday for my GP appointment?

Edit: it's 145/90 now at 3PM, so a bit better.. going to try and not check it anymore.

24-02-24, 12:58
My blood pressure has been a bit better yesterday and today, about 142/94. I have no idea why it was so high that one day. But i wish i had never bought a BP monitor, gave me so much stress.. Thanks for your reassurance Nicola

24-02-24, 13:22
No worries panda