View Full Version : Worried 😟

23-02-24, 13:35
Found a lump in my breast five months ago . Gp referred me to Breast clinic which I waited around six weeks to get appointment. Arrived at the breast clinic and was evaluated. Found the lump and is now referring me for a mammogram. This mammogram in question won't be for months up to a year even! How am I going to wait and be anxious every day ? It doesn't seem right . I'm in Ireland . I asked the breast surgeon and he said just keep an eye while you are waiting . If they suspected it was bad would I be still waiting that long ??? It's crazy

23-02-24, 14:36
That does seem crazy. I can only assume they think it’s highly highly unlikely to be cancer. Did they say they think its normal fibrous breast tissue?

23-02-24, 15:11
The breast surgeon said it feels like normal breast tissue to him but still needs to be checked out and keep and eye for changes while I wait . The lump is small and it moves he said . I was hoping everything would be checked on the same day as it was the breast clinic and I was waiting 6 weeks for the appointment. The nurse did say I had extremely lumpy breasts and they do get awfully painful and swollen before my periods . I rang the radiology department and asked to be put on the cancellation list so hoping it will be sooner rather than later and she also said my referral is routine and not put down as urgent

23-02-24, 15:24
I guess you have to trust them? They do feel and see breasts every day and know what they are doing… you are under 40 right? So you will be very low risk

23-02-24, 16:19
I'm 38 in April . No family history. I asked about going private but that's a 12 week wait . I just don't like the uncertainty at all .

23-02-24, 18:56
No! Uncertainty is especially hard for us HA folk.

24-02-24, 21:40
I know nobody knows for sure , but I'm so worked up and worried . I have had a dry cough too for four weeks ! I'm not thinking the absolute worst that it has spread from my breast to my lungs 😭 my husband has said that the lump would of been really big and obvious if it had spread and surely the surgeon would of been concerned but with anxiety I'm never convinced. He also noted that there was no other visible swellings in collar bone or underarms . Ugh . Horrible

25-02-24, 19:55
Just no. But if it’s any consolation i have done the same catastrophising when i was going through a breast scare too. It’s kinda what we do.