View Full Version : Heavy head cold now have woken to lightheaded dizzy head que HIGH ANX!!

24-02-24, 10:47
I have a heavy phlegm head cold , today can't move head struggle even on here , can't scroll eyes sensitive to movement heavy head off balance I am panicking and have such high anx silly thing is I know the cause but I cant stop the anx , dizzy has always been my nemesis, I hate the feeling I panic about feeling like this. Any tips or tricks please

27-02-24, 07:55
I get you about the dizziness. I get vertigo and it sends me into full on panic! There is a lot of chesty colds going around, a family member had a right bout of it for a week. Good news is that it goes. Take some painkillers if you can and rest up and try to take your thoughts away from the anxiety on to something else .

27-02-24, 08:15
Like I've already said in other threads on here over the past couple of days, we're now nearing the end of the typical bad illness season, but of course it's now at the same time the onset of the allergy season, so both are kind of overlapping.

For better or worse, Covid barely seems to be getting a look-in by the media of late, though I guess in that particular sense it's very much a case of 'no news is good news'.

28-02-24, 06:24
I'm not good when I don't feel well. I try and just keep myself distracted, if I can't do what I normally do I just try and find things to distract me.