View Full Version : Sore tongue

01-12-07, 22:32
I vaguely remember about 10 days ago taking a drink of coffee with boiling milk in it just as it had been handed to me and yelping that I had burnt my tongue and everyone laughed and said what did I expect! A day passed and I forgot about it but then next day I had a very sore tongue with a round deep red patch on it and some of the raised blobby bits of your tongue in the area were tinged with white. After about a week the white has gone but the red patch is still there and very sore. In the morning you can hardly see the colour difference but as soon as I have eaten or drunk not overly hot drinks! the bright red patch comes back.

Now the normal part of my brain says that if I scalded my tongue then it will take long time to heal up but the hypochondria but is saying tongue cancer:huh: , How long should I expect it to take if I did scald my tongue on the hot coffee for it to heal up and the red sore patch to go away????

02-12-07, 00:47
Burns and scalds in the mouth can heal fairly quickly unless you aggravate the damage by eating spicy or acidic stuff, like salt and vinegar crisps, curry, chilli , even alchohol, and so on. Why don't you get some advice from your doc to put your mind at rest then you can relax. Take care.

02-12-07, 03:47
Some people just heal slower. I know if I have a canker sore it takes along time because I always have my tongue playing with it. I am sure it will be feeling better in no time!

02-12-07, 19:58

About 2 weeks ago I had a red sore appear on the end of my tongue and the roof of my mouth felt really painful like it was bruised. I don't remember burning my mouth at all but I did eat a crunchy oaty breakfast which was quite rough on the mouth.

Anyway, like you I expected it to heal overnight and it didn't and I started thinking its cancer of the mouth. My husband got very annoyed and said every time I ate something acidic or rough like crisps etc which I do eat a lot of , I was adding to the soreness, so I cuts out the crisps and just stuck to cold drinks, yogurts and soft things and about a week later I woke up one morning and my mouth was back to normal.

I hope this makes you feel better.


02-12-07, 23:43
thanks all. Nikki you are right about sticking to cold drinks and soft food as as soon as I drink a hot drink the redness and soreness increase.
I will give it a few more days before bothering my Dr. I have to admit to looking on google at pictures of tongue cancer and they look nothing like my deep pink patch so for once it reassured me a bit.

03-12-07, 20:34

Please try not to google hun, I used to all the time and get myself so worked up that I would start imagining that symptoms were there when they weren't.
Let me know how your tongue is in a few days.

Take care
