View Full Version : Update on being on a boat feeling

04-03-24, 13:14
Hi all, a few weeks ago I posted about having really bad eye strain and the feeling like I was moving.
I decided to make a new thread because I couldn't really describe it properly back then and the title wasn't accurate.
But I've had this feeling like I was sitting or lying on a boat. Thankfully I never had it while walking. I just had it while sitting, badly while lying down, and really badly while lying down with my eyes closed.
I couldn't get a doctor's appointment before I went on vacation so I ended up going to the doctor while on vacation, and he could tell just by the way my eyes moved that I had vertigo. Made a little stronger because of anxiety, but it was definitely a physical cause. He gave me some vertigo medication and within 3 days it was gone.

I definitely still feel it coming on lightly when looking at screens too much (which unfortunately I can't avoid because of my job) but now I know what it is I no longer get anxiety over it.
I'm so relieved it was a physical thing. I had felt pretty calm for the past few months and like I had really gotten a handle on my anxiety and I was so frustrated I was back at square one for no reason at all! Well turns out it wasn't anxiety after all!

I know I've seen this topic on the forum quite a bit in the past, the walking on a boat thing. So just in case you get it, it could genuinely just be vertigo and there is medication that can help that :)

04-03-24, 17:54
I’m so glad you got an answer! I had a similar issue after having Covid. I went and my doctor did a vertigo test and I tested positive for benign positional vertigo based on my eye movement. She did this thing called the Epsley maneuver and it worked! Now I can do it at home if it comes back. It’s such a relief to (a) have and answer and (b) get realize you’re not imagining it.

04-03-24, 18:26
Yeah, I had BPPV last year and that was a very obvious spinning! I also did the Epley manouever and it worked like a charm!
The doctor said this was a much more subtle version of vertigo and that wouldn't work, but the medication worked so I'm happy with that!

08-03-24, 07:10
Hi,what meds were they please?

08-03-24, 11:22
In Spain it's called Sulpirida. It's actually an anti psychotic, but in small doses it's effective for treatment of Vertigo