View Full Version : Painful hip

01-12-07, 23:11
Hi all,
In bed the other night and went to turn over and had this awful pain in my right hip, was kept awake the rest of the night with it and it was like a constant throb.
This morning got up and bent down to switch on a light and couldn't move as the pain in my hip was bad , had to get hubby to help me move, it was going into spasm. Could it be a pulled muscle with maybe turning the wrong way and can you get that in your hip area ??
But what's kinda scaring me at the moment is im getting pins and needles in my right leg and not sure if it could be to do with my hip. Any suggestions so as i don't start to freak out, ive managed to keep a lid on it so far but the pins and needles feeling is starting to do its worst...............:madness:

02-12-07, 10:58
It sounds like sciatica or a trapped nerve to me ,but would get it checked out anyway, I suffer a lot with back pain and I know its down to me slouching I can not sit upright in chairs lol:D
Take care of yourself:hugs: :hugs:

02-12-07, 11:47
Hi Kitty,

I have to agree with Lesley. I too have many back problems and my hips are always going out. Have you tried heat or ice. Also try strengthing your legs out flat. Do this slowly tho, and try not to favorite that side, it will only make those muscles get tighter than they are now. I know easier said than done.

Take care and hope this helps.