View Full Version : Someone talk some sense to me

06-03-24, 07:48
Good morning,
I’ll make this quick , I moist looking for someone to talk some sense into me as I can’t think logically today.
I’ve been down the breast spiral for a few months eventually saw my GP end of December she checked and all was fine she re checked at the end of Jan and still nothing was abnormal. At the last appointment she said to save me worrying at the moment while my anxiety is high she would check again end of march so 8 weeks after her last check it’s now been 6 weeks and I’m panicking that 8 weeks is to long and trying so hard not to check myself as I know I will feel something.
At the end of the days she’s the Doctor and knows her job I’m just having a hard week and need some sense talking in to me that’s 8 weeks is perfectly fine.
Thank you

06-03-24, 08:38
I know it's hard to believe, but if there was nothing wrong with you in January it's exceptionally unlikely that there'll be anything wrong in March.

06-03-24, 12:09
I'm currently in a breast spiral myself so I know what it feels like.
All I'll say is that if a doctor checked my breasts in December and again in January and said that there was nothing abnormal there, I wouldn't be in this spiral now. It's very reassuring that you've had 2 recent checks and she found nothing. And she'll check you again the end of this month - I'd give anything for a doctor like that.
8 weeks is perfectly acceptable, it's just your anxiety trying to tell you otherwise.

06-03-24, 22:03
Thank you both for your replies they have really helped me see some sense. My GP is lovely and I’m very lucky to have got one who understands health anxiety and be supportive.