View Full Version : Lost my husband suddenly

08-03-24, 05:22
On Feb 23rd I lost my husband after a short illness. He had a heart condition and it was caused by that. I feel like the stability has been totally ripped out of my world and I have no idea where to start with anything. I have three children to look after and it all feels so overwhelming. My anxiety is sky high and I'm really afraid that this is just too hard and that I simply won't get through this. I'm so so worried about something happening to me now because I am the only remaining parent.

08-03-24, 06:37
Oh, my goodness, I'm so sorry for your loss!

Are your/his family being supportive, and are you speaking to bereavement services?

08-03-24, 06:46
Yes, we have a lot of support around us. I am trying to get in contact with bereavement support for me and the kids. I know I really need to talk to someone. The panic and fear is massive, as well as the sadness of course. I just need someone to tell me I'll make it through this somehow and that it won't always feel like this.

08-03-24, 07:19
Of course you'll make it through. Grief is like an ocean; it's always shifting but with time and experience, we can navigate it. I can't pretend I have any idea what you're feeling, but I'm here to listen any time, all the time.

Sending love and good wishes.

08-03-24, 07:48
I'm so sorry for your loss. My mum died suddenly three years ago and it was incredibly tough. Get all the support you can and let out your feelings. You will get through this, just take it one day at a time.

08-03-24, 09:36
You will make it through cattia, you will become stronger and the chances of anything happening to you is extremely slim. It's only natural to think that way, especially as you've had such a shock. You need to carry on as much as normal for the children's sake, and yours, and get extra support from family, friends and bereavement support if you think you need it. :hugs:

08-03-24, 15:25
Cattia, this is unbelievable, and beyond heartbreaking. i am so so so sorry. You are in my thoughts

08-03-24, 18:25
So sorry for your sad loss my thoughts and prayers are with you at this very sad time love to you and your family . love and hugs to you xxx:bighug1::bighug1:

08-03-24, 19:02
You are in my thoughts too Cattia. I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs:

08-03-24, 21:42
So sorry for your loss - this must be devastating for you all but we will support you if we can

08-03-24, 22:14
I’m so very sorry to hear this Cattia. Sending you strength :hugs:

09-03-24, 01:11
So sorry for your loss Cattia. I’m sure everything is completely overwhelming, but you will be fine. If you’re in the UK, speak to Cruse.

09-03-24, 07:15
Thank you. The anxiety in the middle of the night is just crippling. I feel so overwhelmed when I think about the future and I wake up multiple times just feeling that I can't possibly do this.

09-03-24, 08:46
Hi, I am so desperately sorry to hear this. Yes, you WILL make it through, I had a very good friend in almost identical circumstances 40 years ago, she made it through, her kids thrived and she did rebuild a life for herself, never forgetting her beloved husband though. He is still very much alive in all our memories.

Get that support, cry those tears, find your tribe. xxx