View Full Version : Having severe anxiety again after years. Can anyone help

Worried 33
08-03-24, 15:00
This is my first time posting.. I mostly look and tips for coping with anxiety as this website has helped me greatly. So, I have had anxiety since my early 20s when it was very bad with panic and insomnia.. I’ve managed to cope and deal with symptoms for the past 20 years. So, I have always been prone to anxiety. I’m posting because I read kind of a doomsday article last week and it has set me off in a major way. Please don’t read if doomsday things trigger you.. I have had a non stop knot in my stomach and on the verge of panic/doom feeling for a solid week. I know this sounds kind of crazy but the article was about a WW3 and a one government takeover. Also, an attack on the electric and phone grid.. I just can’t seem to stop thinking what if it’s true.. I try and distract myself but it’s just not working. I wake up at night and immediately feel the anxiety and cannot sleep. I have kids that I have to take care of and it’s been a struggle. I’ve tried to get comfort from my husband but he does not suffer from anxiety and cannot relate. Is there anyone that overcome something similar? I just wish I had never read the article. I was completely fine a week ago and ever since I read the article I have felt like I’m spiraling.. can anyone help me to navigate this?