View Full Version : Hard lump behind ear (immobile)

11-03-24, 20:41
Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve been on here. However my mind is in a terrible place. I am a new(ish) mum too so it’s compounded as I am frightened I’ll leave my baby behind :(

I have a very hard (feels like bone) lump behind my ear. The lump is bigger than a pea but smaller than a kidney bean. It doesn’t move, feels attached to the bone. At first I thought bone growth/tumor as it is rock solid and doesn’t move, now I am not so sure and am thinking it could be a lymph node… either or are both terrifying. This wasn’t there before but I cannot tell you how long it’s been there.

I am waiting for a doc appointment. But in the meantime I am trying to find some comfort with others or someone who can calm me down and talk some sense into me.

Has anyone else had similar? If so what did it turn out to be? At the moment I am stuck on osteosarcoma lump or a cancerous node which could be many cancers. I haven’t been unwell, although am always sooo tired but that’s because I have low iron (unless I am tired because I have cancer!). So there is absolutely no reason for a node to be swollen if it is a node because i have been fine in terms of colds flus infections etc.

Please someone help, please tell me everything will be ok. Please let me know your stories of your hard lumps

Sorry for the essay. Thank you

19-03-24, 15:03
Hello, I recently had a lump from my ear removed, it was first diagnosed as a sebaceous cyst but they tested it after removing it and it was actually some sort of mole! But was completely benign. It's a good idea to get it looked at but there are lots of things it could be.

If you've just had a baby could it be something hormone related? Plus, I'm guessing just having a baby would be the reason you're tired as well!

Try not to worry, if there was anything seriously wrong I'm sure they would have caught it during pregnancy.