View Full Version : Can't stop worrying about heart

02-12-07, 01:05
I am really struggling at the moment! I just cant stop worrying about having a heart attack, ive been getting some weird symptoms, sweating when i walk up hill, even in the cold, i never used to, pins and needles in my left hand, chest pains like indegestion, and this morning i woke feeling really weezy in the centre of my chest, and ive been like it all day.
I am 46 years old, people tell me i am not old but i am aware of men dying of heart attacks my age! i stopped smoking 14 years ago but the past few years i have drank quite a bit of alcohol, but recently cut down a lot.
I have had cholesterol checked and its ok, also B.P. is ok, but i am still worried, i have had a lot of stress this year.
Sorry to go on, but you guys are the only ones that listen.

02-12-07, 03:45
Hi there

The fact that your BP and cholestrol are normal is an excellent start! My heart is my biggest fear as well, as my dad died at 40 and I have high blood pressure from my pregnancies.
Although it is really hard not to worry see if you can put all that energy and thoughts into doing things that are really good for your heart. Diet, exercise, supplements, anything that will help your stress level. I find when I tend to get wound up if I go on the treadmill I can usually get things under control a bit better.
You may never get over the fear but doing everything you can to stay healthy and prevent will go along way. Knowing your BP is fine and your cholestrol is an excellent thing, see if you can focus on that.
I hope that you feel better soon.:hugs:

02-12-07, 23:40
Thanks Alisonj
I have had a very bad weekend, ive felt so low, don't know what i would do without this website.

02-12-07, 23:43
I am sorry you havent had a good weekend. Mine hasnt been the best either. We have really bad weather and I tend to freak out more because I feel trapped. Like if I needed to go to the hospital I couldnt. and of course I have had pain in my right side most of the weekend.
Wouldnt it be nice for things rto just be smooth and relaxed!

02-12-07, 23:51
The weather has not been that good here in UK either, cold, rainy, windy,and very grey, also i dont know why but i seem to feel worse at the weekend.

03-12-07, 02:00
Hang in there WDW!

As someone who is suffering the same issues as you at the moment I can understand how you feel. I had a terrible day yesterday and just worried the whole day long about my heart, aches and pains I was feeling etc.. But this morning I got up and said "this is the day I start getting better" and went for my morning walk followed by a healthy breakfast which has made me feel much better about myself. So just keep working at it, stay positive and try to do things that will aid your health (exercise, healthy eating, vitamins or whatever else will stimulate positive thoughts about your health)

We are all in this together! :)

Peace and happiness to you all.

03-12-07, 09:47
Thanks Michael
Thats a great statement! your right, we have to stop these obssesive thoughts and fight back against them.