View Full Version : Please help me not to spiral

11-03-24, 20:51
Been doing so well lately and now feel like I'm spiralling.
I had a close friend who died of lung cancer very suddenly. She died a year ago. It has been on my mind a lot.
Recently I have been put on blood pressure medication which is known to sometimes cause a dry, irritating cough. It is one of the side effects. I went away on holiday for a week a month ago and developed a really bad cold. I got antibiotics from the doctor as I was coughing up green phlegm. The cold went away. I also have flare ups of post nasal drip and sinusitis.

Anyway, today I am worried that all my symptoms is a sign of lung cancer. I've got myself in such a panic and state about it all. Please help

12-03-24, 19:24
Any one?

12-03-24, 21:07
So sorry about your friend but this isn’t lung cancer. You have listed many reasons you might have a cough none of which are lung cancer!