View Full Version : Insomnia!

12-03-24, 14:08
I’ve not been sleeping too good since the start of the year after having 2 weeks off for xmas. But these past few weeks it’s turned into actual insomnia where I keep waking up throughout the night. Its come to a point where I think about how (crap) I’m going to sleep in the night and I end up dreading going to bed. This in turn makes me wake up after a few hours then I lie there tossing and turning thinking how much of a mess I’m going to be at work! Can anybody share any tips on how to overcome this please.

12-03-24, 14:17
Try this:


12-03-24, 14:36
What helps me is knowing that laying quietly is almost as good as sleep. Listening to soothing podcasts can also help.

12-03-24, 20:41
Appreciate the replies as always.

I’ve had this in the past but usually after a few bad nights a good sleep arrives and I’m back to normal. Last night was awful although I did get some sleep probably 4 hours in total. But was definitely awake for at least 2 hours tossing and turning getting anxious and wound up!

It’s a battle of the mind more than anything.

13-03-24, 06:36
For me I find the best thing to do is not lie there. I get up and read and then go back to bed. I feel like it relaxes my brain so that I can nod off again.

13-03-24, 09:00
Another terrible night hardly slept. Although I tried hard to relax and let it go my heart was still racing a little. Gave in this morning and made an appointment with my GP. I know it’s the worries of not being able to sleep and effects of poor sleep is what’s making it all worse.

13-03-24, 21:43
I love going to bed now that I have found I like audiobooks. I may not sleep much but I can listen to a good book and relax. Actually I sleep more than I think because suddenly there is a couple of chapters passed and so remember none of it!

14-03-24, 09:31
I love going to bed now that I have found I like audiobooks. I may not sleep much but I can listen to a good book and relax. Actually I sleep more than I think because suddenly there is a couple of chapters passed and so remember none of it!

Thanks Something I should try I guess. So far nons of the sleep hygiene tips such as not using my phone 1 hour before bed and sleeping earlier have not helped.

Another rough night last night, tossed and turned loads and didn’t fall asleep until sunrise. I was fairly relaxed up until each time I felt as if I was going to doze off my heart would start thumping. I will be speaking to my doctor about this.

However there is a positive. I was fearing that my brain had ‘forgotten’ how to fall asleep or I had some crazy brain disorder. Obviously not the case seeing I fell asleep eventually. Something to build on.