View Full Version : High BP

16-03-24, 19:22
While setting up a fitness watch for someone I noticed my BP was high so used an Omrom device to measure it and it was 149 (can't remember the bottom number, might have been 88). I thought it was the coffee I had around an hour and a half before. I done it again an hour after dinner and it was the same, the only problem is that I got anxious so I assumed that's why it had bumped up. I had actually taken a Propranolol for the anxiety so assumed that might also help the BP.

I've noticed with other people that small things can change BP in seconds so I'm guessing that's also got something to do with despite trying to remain calm. I'm going to try it before food in the morning and see how it is.

Obviously this got me mega anxious which is almost laughable because BP anxiety is never going to show normal results!