View Full Version : Someone else with heart issues.

02-12-07, 05:09
Hi to everyone here and thanks for such a great place to talk about these issues. I am having panic attacks about my heart and even after some preliminary tests with the doctor which checked out fine (blood pressure ok, ekg ok, cholesterol a little high but nothing too major) my fears are slowly staring to creep back in. I am getting small pains in my chest on the left side and lately I have been getting a sore left arm as well as the "skipped beats" which I have been reading about here. However I just can't seem to shake the feeling that something is wrong. I am going to go to the physio to see if my arm pain is related to my neck or back and if that does not work I think I should see a cardiologist to test this once and for all.

So no real questions here just wanted to put some thoughts down on paper and say thank you for the information, kind words and helpful advice. It has helped me a great deal during this awful time.

I wish everyone the best and hope that we can help each other get through this.

Peace and happiness to you all,


02-12-07, 05:19
Hi Michael
i think everyone here has felt the same at one time or another (I know I have)
As long as the tests are OK so are you.
hard to accept I know but it WILL get better
Phill :shades:

02-12-07, 05:30
hi michael welcome to the site youl find loads of info and support your certainly not alone with your fears hope everything gos well tc elaine x

02-12-07, 06:04
Thanks so much for the kind words. I guess lately it has been getting me down a little bit because I was just starting to get over the worst of the attacks and reassure myself that my heart is fine and not to worry and then the other day I start getting a dull pain in the left side of my neck and off I go again into anxiety land (oh no there is a blockage, isnt the aorta on that side of my neck etc etc) I am sure it's just my mind playing tricks on me but I just can't shake these feelings. I am trying to stay positive and keep reassuring myself things like "if it was going to happen it would have happened already, your fine" and yet still I have little doubts that creep in especially when I get these aches and pains.

Hmmmm time to play some scrabble with my girlfriend and take my mind off things for a while. Thanks for letting me vent...again!

Peace and happiness to you all.

02-12-07, 12:00
Hi Michael,

Welcome to NMP. You will get great advice here. Have a read on the left side of forum.

Also have to agree with Phill, your heart is ok, and it's the anxiety doing it to you. I too have/had the heart anxiety, I went through all sorts of tests. They all came back fine. So I know that anxiety is making the symptoms.

04-12-07, 03:35
Hi Michael

I completely know where you're coming from. I have suffered terribly over the last few months worrything that my heart is diseased etc. I suffered very badly with the missed beats and weird kind of pains. I have been through all the tests again and all came back fine but still I worry.

This anxiety is an awful thing but we have to try and relax and go with the flow to speak, then hopefully it all starts to quieten down again (until the next time lol). We are a strong bunch though and will get through this.

Well done to us all I say

Take care

06-12-07, 05:20
Me again guys,

Well two steps forward one step back I guess. The last couple of days I have been coping really well with no anxiety at all which has been amazing. Then about 20 minutes ago I get an ectopic beat sitting here at the computer and then a small sharp pain in the centre of my chest
and now I am worried all over again. Has anyone else had this sort of thing before?

GAH! I was doing so well.

12-08-08, 20:13
LOL! I had a few flutters today mmichaelr, and a few random sharp pains.

13-08-08, 02:18
I have had heart anxiety for nearly 5 years. I have had all the tests numerous times. I am 30, not overweight, no risk factors (other than chronic stress and anxiety) and no family history. Anyways, I get ectopics daily and for the past few days I have been having chest pains right in the center of my chest and then sometimes in my upper back. I am scared to go to the doctor and scared not to. A lady I worked with just died of 2 heart attacks but she was in her 50's and a very heavy smoker but still, I worry. I work at the hospital so I would feel so embarrassed to go to the ER.
I hope you are feeling better Michael - you are far from alone. I hate this heart anxiety- it's awful!

13-08-08, 05:36
I have had heart anxiety since I was 14 and I am 32 now. It stems from my dad dying at 40 from a massive heart attack. He has his first at 29 and a triple bypass at 30. I have feared my whole life that I have his genes and I will suffer the same fate. I worry about my BP, my cholestrol, my pulse, everything!!! It sucks it really does. But I have had many many tests done and it seems that everything is a-ok and I work hard to try and stay healthy. Maybe sneak in some exercise daily and maybe that will help. But know that you are not alone.

13-08-08, 15:18
I'm sorry to see so many of us suffering from this condition, but it's good to know others are dealing with the same concerns I have. This has been a struggle for 1/2 of my life to feel healthy, happy and worry free. I usually have 2 episodes a year, lasting several weeks to months. It's not always the same symptoms, but palpatations are usually involved. I have a long way to go with treatment, etc, but this site is wonderful to let others know they are not alone.

13-08-08, 15:31
I have been there as well with heart worries and missed beats and now try not to check my pulse, as that makes me worse.
I have pains all over the flaming place and am fed up of it, had a bad neck for a year now, and I get pains in my left rib, in my back and headaches on one side. I also worry about pins and needles and funny sensations.
Its just horrible worrying and then it makes it much worse and your head gets obsessed with it.
Try and take your mind off it and tell yourself you are not going to let it get to you and you are fine...