View Full Version : breast health concerns - health anxiety striking hard right now!

20-03-24, 08:12
I noticed my left breast swelling, tenderness, and warmth in the middle of my period about four weeks ago. But several days after, the symptoms persisted (they didn't worsen), so I contacted my doctor. My doctor tried to assure me that it could be fine, that these symptoms don't have to mean cancer, but to be certain, she helped me set up an ultrasound appointment, which we set up for the friday after next. Which means I'm stuck here with my thoughts for a week and a half.

However, it's been a little less than a week since my doctor's appointment, and just yesterday, I noticed what I think is a swollen lymph node under my left armpit. It's not easy to see, and it just feels like a bit more of a bump compared to where I feel in that area under my other armpit. And there's a patch of redness on part of my breast that hasn't gone away yet since I noticed a few hours ago (the skin reddens when i keep pressing and prodding it--which I'm trying really hard to stop, trust me--but it goes away eventually). So my health anxiety has absolutely skyrocketed this past few weeks, and I was foolish enough to google my symptoms, which only made things SO much worse (just a whole lotta IBC which!!). I only have myself to blame there...

To note, I'm 29, with no notable family history of breast cancer, and there have been no other symptoms as of yet; no changes to the texture of skin, no noticeable lumps, etc. And I've already got the ultrasound (and mammogram, if needed) appointment made, as said. It's just hard to sit on my hands until that day, even though I know there's not much else I can do.

o matitis, que no estoy amamantando así!!