View Full Version : Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

21-03-24, 17:59
I know the stress I’ve been under lately has not helped my current situation. In January my 19 year old dog passed away, and I actually had a little meltdown because of it, then my car decided that it had not one problem wrong with it but several large issues that cost so much I had to get a loan to cover the costs because I rely on the car where I live and because I care for my parents.

I have hypothyroidism which is normal, on Eltroxin for that, and I still take Half Bets Prograne for my anxiety. I’m 36yr old and started getting PVCs, had all the blood tests you could name and ecgs which were all normal and the PVCs weren’t a concern. Had s heart monitor but waiting for results of them. But I haven’t had many in the last couple weeks which has been a relief.

Last few days though, about 5 days, I’ve had this on and off dizziness, I describe like your head feels stuffy or full, does that make sense? I can feel it at the temples near my ears. It started when I was walking back from the mechanics and I got what felt like a sudden rush of heat and then a spinning and unbalanced sensation. Of course I instantly my anxiety struck. Since then it’s been coming and going in waves throughout the day, mostly when I’m moving about and sometimes when I sit down. I also feel little aches in my head too but not like full blown headaches or anything.

I’m just wondering what it is or what might be contributing to it. I spend a lot of time on my phone or tablet screen, and wondered if that was effecting my eyes maybe? I also don’t sleep very well or have broken sleep. Maximum for me would be 6 hours and that’s a good night. All the car stuff and money stuff hasn’t helped my stress levels. I also wondering if it was an inner ear problem, a blood pressure, or even Covid maybe?

im trying not to think of the worst things possible, and it’s very hard not too. I don’t have any circles of people to talk too most days, I’m basically on my own almost all the time lately and it does cause overthinking and fixation thinking a lot. Anyway, just wanted to see if anyone had or had anything similar or what it might sound like?

22-03-24, 18:54
Today wasn’t as bad, but had more small pains come and my head, like little zaps. Had a dentist appointment, just routine checkup, thankfully my teeth don’t need anything doing. But walking around I could feel some of the dizziness or unbalance. Does it sound weird when I say it feels like your going to fall over or that it’s making you feel like it’s pulling you over or something. Not sure how to describe it. My thighs also feel tight and achy today, so I started thinking it’s an infection or something? Hopefully not Covid again, but I didn’t have dizziness when I had Covid last year.

im not having no other symptoms, no sickness, diarrhoea, don’t seem to have a fever and not sure what my blood pressure is cause I don’t check it at home. Just odd pains in my head, the dizziness comes in waves when I’m up and about and sometimes when I’m sitting down or resting. The aches and tension in my legs only started today.

23-03-24, 13:30
Today I had a few dizzy spells when I went to the shops and now I’m home. It does feel like my head is stuffy or woozy. My mum seems to have a cold or something, little cough too, so not sure if I’ve picked up a little bit of whatever she’s got, hopefully not but definitely feels like my head is spinning a bit on and off. Took a couple paracetamol but that’s mostly for the aches and pains. It feels like it’s at the front of my head and behind my nose area. I do feel slightly panicky about it but trying to get plenty of rest and drink water, eating too. I don’t seem to have any other symptoms but that woozy head feeling. It’s been going on for about 5 or 6 days now.

23-03-24, 16:18
Also, Google just gives me terrifying answers like "acute aortic regurgitation ", which I never even heard of, and meningitis, along with tumours and so on. So they didn’t help. I dunno, usually dizziness doesn’t last this long, it’s been nearly a week now. I’m resting plenty, and sometimes it seems to go away when I’m active, like earlier when I cleaned my car, I didn’t have a dizzy spell, but it came back when I sat down after. I’m drinking plenty of water, so I’m not dehydrated.

I tried the Epley manoeuvre but not sure if I did it right lol

25-03-24, 17:02
Well, mum definitely has a virus or something, did test, not Covid. My dad also has a little bit of a bug, and yesterday I didn’t have much dizziness but today I’ve had a couple of episodes where it felt like it came on suddenly, just randomly, it felt like the inside of my head was spinning and unbalanced. Not sure if it’s a knock off from whatever my mum has, maybe just a different symptom of the same virus or bug she’s got. I can be okay for like half an hour or hour and then the dizzy spell will attack me and it’s very unsettling and frightening.

26-03-24, 13:39
Mum went doctor today, she has some sort of virus, been given steroids and antibiotics and eye drops. She has mucus in her chest he could hear and her temperature is high. So I’ve put her on bed rest and making sure she is drinking lots of water and eating as well and just resting. Had some dizzy spells todays, feels like I’m on a boat or something, most of the time it feels like it’s coming from behind my nose or sinus area, eyes etc. I took my blood pressure at home (not sure how accurate wrist monitors are) but it seemed normal, 121/83. And my temp was 36.5/97.7 so that seems normal too. I’m wondering if it’s a slight bit of virus my mum has that I may have picked up with maybe spikes in stress or anxiety, causing my blood pressure to spike and then drop rapidly? I’m not sure, it’s just been frightening because it’s been on and off for a week now. I’ve had dizzy spells in the past, but not seemed to last this long.

I took 2 paracetamol but that doesn’t seem to have helped, thought it might if it was inflammation or pain or anything. I’m also drinking plenty of water. Not sure what else it could be, if I Google I’m just going to spiral and it’ll usually be the worst things imaginable like aortic regurgitations, brain tumours and aneurysms etc. Think I’ll take it easy today and just care for my parents and make sure their all right. Sorry to bug anyone, don’t have anyone to talk to anymore, so Erykah lonely place these days.

Could it be related to using my phone and tablet? Like too much screen time or scrolling? I did eventually Google and it did say about innner ear stuff too but it also had some pretty scary stuff as well that has kinda made me anxious. It isn’t constant, it comes in spells.

Simon de Wit
27-03-24, 00:32
Hello, I don't know if it's of any help but I am dizzy, lightheaded, afraid of falling etc. everyday. One day more than the other. And I know stress, like you had can certainly aggravate the symptoms.
Hope you feel better soon.

27-03-24, 18:07
@Simon de Wit Hi, sorry to hear you’re having something similar too, it’s really exhausting. Yeah, it wasn’t too bad last night, I didn’t get a dizzy spell but today I’ve had a few, and I’ve been running around doing errands, getting medicine for my parents, grocery shopping and walking the dog, along with my own work, which is just admin work but my eyes are constantly looking at a computer screen. My back muscles are sore and tense, and my neck feels a little stiff, so I’m wondering if the way I’m sleeping isn’t helping. Definitely had that afraid of falling feeling today, like I was unbalanced or going to fall forward, which then makes me more stressed and anxious and I can’t concentrate on anything but that feeling.

I think the longer it’s been going on the more anxious it’s made me, if it only lasted a day or two I think I’d be fine but now it has been 8 days, it’s just stressing me out more. Vicious cycle I guess. Maybe it’s adrenaline too going up and down, I dunno. I try stop myself from thinking of worse things it could be but it is hard when you run to Google sometimes and it brings back horrible things.

Thanks for replying, and I hope yours eases for you and goes away soon.

30-03-24, 15:42
Update: Had a bad episode yesterday while out shopping and made a last minute appointment to see a gp. She did all the tests, oxygen, blood pressure etc. Blood pressure was a bit high, but she said that could have been just the "white coat syndrome", and I could check it again even at the chemist/pharmacy over the next couple days to see if it changes. I have a home wrist bp but not sure how accurate they are. Took it today and it read 103/77. It’s one of those that says to hold level to your heart on your chest.

anyway, tested for balance, ears etc, she gave me some betahistine/dihydrochloride 8mg to try for a few days, 3x daily and then 2 or just 1. Haven’t taken any yet, was okay last night and then today I’ve had a couple episodes. Not terrible, definitely not as bad as they’ve been but not sure if I’ve picked up a bit of the virus from my parents as I’ve had a dry/slightly mild sore throat, little bit of a cough. I’ll check my temperature later and update on that.

anyway my balance is fine, ears fine etc. Just blood pressure was a little high, maybe it is just stress, I mean, I don’t feel stressed all day everyday, but subconsciously I could be with everything I think about. I have had some fleeting sharp pains in my head today, not lots but some. Yeah, still feel a little worried but more reassured after speaking with the doctor.

Definitely feel a sore throat though. Trying to drink more water as I’ve noticed I’m not drinking much lately so trying my best not to get dehydrated.

Yeah, don’t know what to make of this dizziness, or unbalanced woozy feeling.

30-03-24, 18:55
My temperature was 36.3, so no fever but my throat does feel a bit sore and I am having a bad dizzy spell. Don’t know whether it’s panic setting in, or the fact I’ve noticed how one eye seems more swollen (not massively) but seems compared to other eye. That’s what happened to my mum a couple days ago, she started to get a swollen eye but mine has seemed that way for a few days now. This is stressing me out so much, especially after going doctor yesterday, she looked at my eyes too and said they were fine.

im starting to panic I’ve had a stroke or something.

30-03-24, 21:30
Working, my temperature just went up tonight. It’s now 37.6, which is suppose to be a low grade fever is that right? Should I be worried? I’m starting to feel a little anxious and panicky.

my blood pressure was 120-130/80-90 it fluctuated. I feel a bit shaky, maybe chills? This stuff frightens me, because of stuff like Sepsis, but I also know my parents had and still have a slight virus or something. Coughing, etc. They are both on antibiotics and mum is on steroids because of her autoimmune disorder. What should I do?

01-04-24, 18:35
Update: enddd up at the out-of-hours doctor. Seen pretty quickly, my temperature and heart rate sky rocketed. It did come down, he took my temp, heart rate, oxygen, checked my ears and throat and checked my chest. My blood pressure was 123/90 which he said was high, which has concerned me because it was high when I seen the doctor last week. I’m wondering if it’s high because of the virus maybe? Is that very high for blood pressure or will it go down once the virus passes?

He gave me some antibiotics Doxycycline bluefish 100mg 2x day for a week. It feels much better today, I don’t have any shivers and hot and cold, sore throat has gone but still coughing and still s little dizzy/woozy.

I heard diastolic being higher is worse, and I’m concerned why mine is high or might it be just the virus causing it to be higher than normal?

04-04-24, 21:33
Still having dizzy spells, they feel about the same but not as often. I thought it might have been down to this virus but I had this a week before I got the virus, so I don’t know. I thought it might have been the blood pressure but I am on half beta Prograne for my anxiety but it’s also for blood pressure, so not sure about that. I’m just confused and a little scared. The more stressed I get I suppose it makes it worse too. I feel generally okay, still have a bit of a cough and dry throat and some mild sharp head pains from the virus. Still on antibiotics for a couple more days on then too.

yeah, don’t really know what to Think or feel about it.

05-04-24, 10:21
Hey, how you doing? This is classic anxiety. Anxiety throws all the symptoms.

Why did your doctor prescribe antibiotics? Antibiotics are for bacterial infections - they do nothing for viruses.

And why do you think you have a virus - just because you are hot and anxious? Sounds like anxiety. Think about it - you're on this forum.

A note on your blood pressure - it's really not high. USA definitions of high are crazy high compared to the UK. My doctor would not be interested in that reading. And anyway, your blood pressure is going to be lower when you're not anxious.

Trust yourself.

And maybe get another doctor - but I doubt you need one.

Take it easy.

07-04-24, 03:14
@jayke sorry for late reply, it was an out of doctors I seen who gave me the antibiotics maybe because they didn’t know whether it was viral or bacterial. Also my parents both had a chest infection of some kind with sore throat cough and phlegmy chest. My mum also had headaches and a very high fever, I did get a high fever and a sore throat and a cough and that’s why I went to the out of doctors who gave me the antibiotics. I thought the dizziness might have been the viral or bacterial infection but I had it over a week before I got the virus or bacterial infection so I’m not sure.

I finished my antibiotics today so I’ll see how my symptoms go from today onwards. It’s a weird dizziness it’s like being on a boat or being unbalanced and sometimes it’s like you’ve been pulled forward or you feel like you’re going to fall forward or just a woozy feeling. I think that’s what can make my anxiety worse and cause me to be really stressed and then tense which then probably makes the symptoms worse because I focus on it then and can’t concentrate so all you think about is the dizziness or the unbalanced feeling.

I had seen my doctor the day before I’d gone to the out of hours doctor and she did all the tests checked my ears my temperature and my blood pressure which was a little high but I get that go in the doctors anyway. She was happy on her end and gave me some medicine that I could take that might have been for something called labyrinthitis but I don’t think she said I did have it because she checked my ears and they were all fine she said. Because I started the antibiotics I didn’t take that medicine so I’ll see how I feel over the next few days if it changes or anything.

sometimes because you suffer with anxiety if you’re frightened that it’s something you don’t know like something to do with your heart or your blood pressure is getting to hire again to know and you know it’s causing this uncomfortable sensation. Are usually get it when I’ve been walking around and sometimes it’s kind of like a spinning sensation I just had an overwhelming sensation and tends to go away when I sit down relax or something. I know it’s probably exacerbated by my extreme fear of what I’m feeling and that probably makes the symptoms even worse than they just are.

I wasn’t too bad yesterday I didn’t seem to have any dizziness yesterday until later that night so I don’t know what brought that on and then today I had dizziness almost on and off all day and it was worse when I was out walking around in the crowds and the noise and everything seems to get really really bad.

I didn’t make myself worse awhile ago reading on Google all the things it could be and that probably hasn’t helped me overthinking all the things that it could be. Thanks for replying it does help hearing from others and not feeling so alone or that people understand what it is you’re trying to explain especially when you have nobody to tell this to.

08-04-24, 14:03
Update: Finished my antibiotics Saturday, and funnily, Saturday I had no dizziness until later that night and since then, yesterday and today I’ve had that ‘fullness’ in my head, or woozy feeling, not sure how to describe it because sometimes it feels like that fullness is behind my ears. Definitely having some head aching on one side, and I know my mum said she’s having some mild headaches, but mine doesn’t feel like a headache, just like sharp pains or aching on one side.

I’ve had this now for over 2 weeks, so not sure what it could be, my virus feels like it’s gone but their could still be some of it lingering in my system and it’s just the basic symptoms that have cleared up. I’m not even overly stressed, and it does come in waves, and I’m trying to make my days more peaceful and relaxing just to see if it helps.

I do sometimes let my thoughts go to more fearful things like tumours and clots etc but not sure. Anyway, definitely feeling some type of stuffy sensation behind my ear or ears near my temple. Doctors did check my ears and didn’t see anything. My throat is a little dry but nothing since I started the antibiotics, and most of it seems cleared up just this dizziness persisting,

09-04-24, 15:41

If it of any help I can relate to similar symptoms, pressure / fullness in the head (probably a tension headache), balance issues - it's not painful just weird. Have seen a Neuro had MRI on head all came clear and was put down to anxiety - these symptoms come on when around certain environments or people (such as workplace) and ease off as my mood increases and start to feel 'normal' again. It's almost like a fog building up during the day which then clears after about 2 hours of being home again - unfortunately have not found a cure to this to date, various medication did nothing for me.......

10-04-24, 01:54
@Crispy Hi, sorry to hear you have something similar. Yeah, the fullness and balance thing is really weird and almost hard to explain to anyone without them raising an eyebrow, but it’s like your head is stuffy and spinning and you off balance or something. I did see my doctor 12 days ago, she did the basic tests, like balance, checking my ears and eyes etc and everything she said seemed okay to her. It was only my blood pressure that was slightly high but again that could have been because I was at the doctors and the next day I ended up catching the virus/bacterial infection my parents had, so that didn’t help.

I wasn’t too bad today, and didn’t get any when exercising (only did 10 minutes at home), it’s mostly been this evening just before bed I got a spell of it. Because I’m thinking about it as well, I think it’s making me extra anxious and very hyper aware of the sensations and symptoms, so then I continue to fixate on it in case theirs any change, all the while causing more anxiety and stress. Exhausting really.

I get bouts of it when I’m out, sometimes it’ll build and then pass again. Sometimes I get it a lot at home, and mostly when I’m up and moving around, maybe I don’t notice it as much when I’m sitting or I don’t get it as often I dunno. It’s very stressful, cause I’ve had it for 3 weeks now, and some days are good and some days are bad, some days I get barely any, maybe one spell of it and it goes away, others I have several and they last for so long.

Its good to know your mri was normal and that eases some worries. I think I worry about really terrible things, like clots and tumours and I read Google so that makes it worse, like aortic regurgitation snd I didn’t even know what that was but now I do lol but yeah, all those things play on my mind when I get these.

thank for the reply, it’s good to hear from others.

10-04-24, 11:05
Hi, I think I have found that exercise is one of the best ways of relieving the head pressure - I very rarely experience problems when at home - it normally comes on when around other people. I find work days the most difficult to get through as I cannot reconcile easily with some of my colleagues, I also don't really like talking over the phone - not so bad at receiving calls - but making them...not so much. I find a lot of people very awkward to communicate with and stressful to be around....

10-04-24, 16:46
I've been dealing with the feeling of being on a boat since mid February. I was prescribed various vertigo medications, none of them worked.
I went to a new GP today who didn't disagree that it could be anxiety, but she wanted to treat it like a physical issue first and then look at it being a psychological issue.
She took bloods, then she'll refer me for an MRI and eventually an ENT. If nothing is found anywhere then we'll look at it being anxiety.
I'm fairly convinced it's anxiety. If you search this forum, there are many threads about the being on a boat feeling

10-04-24, 19:09
@Crispy yeah, usually when I do focused exercise it seems to help, and mine was worse when I did the grocery shopping today, I found the noise and rushing around stressful and seemed to have that surreal sensation while shopping. It’s eased down a llittle now, but it took a while when I got home too, I’m also getting sharp head pains, mostly right side but sometimes on the left side. Maybe tension.

Yeah I struggle with phone calls too, not so much talking to people in person but I understand that feeling. I hope it gets better for you, I’m exhausted and just want to stay in bed all day everyday and not do anything but obviously I can’t.

10-04-24, 19:19
@Sparkling_Fairy Hi, yeah it’s like that feeling if you’re on a boat and falling to one side as it sways. Sometimes it’s a stuffy, fullness like you have a blocked nose but your head if that makes any sense? I suffer with pvcs and back at the end of January I was in the hospital and they did a ton of blood tests and my doctor also did bloods as well and all were normal. Also had ecgs etc and they were all normal beside the pvcs.

was at doctor almost 2 weeks ago and she did basic tests, checked my ears and eyes and she said she was happy that it was okay, and just gave me medication for labrynthitis I think it’s called, but next day I caught a virus or bacterial infection from my parents the next day and was on antibiotics. So didn’t take them, but I don’t think it was absolutely necessary but yeah. I’ve been getting some head pains, like mild, feeling like you’ve had your head tied up too long and is sore feeling.

maybe it’s tension and stress causing it. But yeah, I know a lot of it is anxiety and I get highly intensely anxious with any symptoms. I hope everything turns out fine and I’m sure it will with your mri, and it’s good your doctor is doing all this as well. I think it’s a vicious cycle because the more you get it the more you get anxious and you can’t focus because the symptoms are there.

thanks for replying, and hope it gets better for you soon. It’s very tiring and other than that, I have no other symptoms.

11-04-24, 11:26
Am pretty sure these symptoms are related to anxiety / stress. I went out for a run with running club friends last night and felt fine, today - after having a slight disagreement with a colleague and the head pressure is back and will probably just keep building until the day is over. Have been looking at other jobs and have a call with a recruitment consultant later today and am dreading it, will probably be hard work and unpleasant just increasing my anxiety. I think honestly during the hours of 9am and 5pm I would rather not exist, but unfortunately have to go through this facade each day in order to survive.

Hope you are ok but I am fed up and feel in a big black hole from which I see no escape.....

11-04-24, 19:24
@Crispy I’m sorry to hear how your feeling, I’ve been in very similar situations with friends and colleagues and it caused me lots of anxiety and stress too. I’m sure once you get everything sorted work wise, some of that intense tension may go away for you. If you ever need someone to talk too, you can always message me, even just to vent about stuff.

I hope we both start feeling like ourselves again and the stressed and anxiety of just symptoms like I’m having ease and go away. In the meantime, don’t let yourself fall deeply into despair, I’ve been there many times but I fight to survive and it’s hard but we’re not alone. Honestly, even just to know that another understand eases some of that loneliness or despair.

Again, if you just need to vent or talk, send a message anytime and I’ll always get back. I may not get back straight away if I’ve forgotten to look on the page but I’ll always check often just in case.

12-04-24, 09:57
@mischamoonlight - That is very kind, if only more people is this world could show a little more compassion and understanding to each other instead of competing / trying to constantly outdo others and have no patience. I applied for a job but think it may be unsuitable for my personality being in telecommunications and PE backed this may to aggressive an environment for me - the location was also slightly further away and am not particularly fond of driving either (mainly down to the aggression of other drivers) am not looking forward to telling this to the recruitment consultant.

On the positive side, thank god it is the nearly the weekend - 2 days of no head pressure or brain fog !

12-04-24, 11:27
@Crispy We all need more compassion, theirs so little of it in the world and around us, and I think when you are highly aware like ourselves, especially with anxiety, you notice little things and it effects you more. I hope you figure out something with your work and eventually something will land that will give you a bit more peace of mind and let you relax on having that worry hanging over you.

Yes! At least theirs a weekend to just shut off and let yourself relax for now. If you do need to talk, I’m here even on weekend.

12-04-24, 11:40
Update: I started taking that medication my doctor gave me 2 weeks ago (but remember I had started antibiotics so only trying them now). Their called Betahistine Dihydrochloride 8mg.

Not sure if it’s the medication but I notice my dizziness comes on quite strongly soon after taking one and I get this fullness sensation in both ears. It’s very strange. It settles down later and then I’m okay for a while, but I read that this medicine takes a while to kick in so I’m only starting on it. It says 3 times a day, 6-8 hours apart, and I think I remember my doctor saying I can take 2 or 1 if it starts improving. Anyone had this medicine before? Anyway, still having bouts of this sensation.

12-04-24, 19:36
Today I’ve had more dizziness, definitely more ‘on a boat’ sensation when I’ve been walking or standing. I notice after I take that medication I get a worse episode, and that fullness around my ears. Maybe it’s helping I dunno. I’m feeling stressed about all this, and I did see the doctor 2 weeks ago, and she said she was happy with everything, when she did the balance tests, checked my eyes and ears etc. that’s when she gave me the medicine, which I only started taking yesterday. I’m taking them 6 or so hours apart. Does it get worse before it gets better? I’m not sure, I just feel scared again, worried that theirs something else sinister going on, like it’s 3 weeks already, I think the longer it lasts the more scared I get.

my mum told me my grandma use to get vertigo, so I’m not sure if this is it and does it work like that? My doctor a year or so ago had done a test to see if my eyes jittered but they didn’t so he didn’t think it was that.

Im exhausted. I get momentary relief for s short while before another episode of dizziness hits and of course it stresses me out. Even the back of my neck at the base of my hair is sore today, but that might be from my neck being bent down looking at my tablet working all day or looking at my phone.

I mean, should it last this long?

15-04-24, 12:00

i don't recognise the medication you have been prescribed but assume it was more related to ear balance issues rather than anxiety / stress. Over the past few years I have used a couple of anti-depressant style meds (amitriptyline / sertraline) and have to say they don't seem to have any effect on me (I still get daily head pressure whilst at work) other than I now excessively sweat and get dehydrated very easily. I also notice that if I stop taking these meds that after a few days I get very strange brain zap sensation in the head - just a waning should your doctor recommend these.

The worst episode of dizziness I can remember was from driving home after work, it felt as if I was drunk with vertigo and severe derealisation - I barely made it back and was physically sick. This was a scary episode I thought I was either dying / or just about to completely pass out.

Maybe a suggestion to keep a diary of when the dizziness strikes and what your circumstances were when feeling odd (like around certain people or places) and keep this for your Doctor to analyse ?

15-04-24, 13:26
Have you noticed at all that it goes hand in hand with heart palpitations?
I'm starting to think my on a boat feeling is not actually vertigo, but strong heart palpitations that are making my whole body move.
I don't feel my heart beating hard, but it's almost like it's beating really deep into my chest and my body seems to move with the rhythm of my heartbeat. So I think mine may be related to heart palpitations

15-04-24, 16:18
@Sparkling_Fair Hi! I actually stopped feeling my palpitations when this dizziness started over 3 weeks ago. But I have starred to feel my PVCs again recently. I’ve always felt my heartbeat really deeply, and I’ve seen it explained on here over the years as being related to us being hyper aware of our heart and its rhythm, and even when I’m in bed, I will feel it thudding as I call it. Even though I’m on beta blockers, I still get quite noticeable palpitations, and that feeling I sometimes can feel in my neck if I’m super aware.

You’re dizziness could be due to you controlling your breathing when your having palpitations and it makes you a little light headed.

Not sure what mine is, but I’m on Betahistine Dihydrochloride 8mg for the past 3/4 days, only taking 2x a day and no huge improvement yet, but my dad is on antibiotics for streptococcus and I’m pretty sure I’ve picked up a mild version of that just after getting over a virus the previous week, which could have just been us all passing it back and forth to each other. Sore throat, coughing, hard lump in throat feeling and white coating at back of tongue and hoarse voice. So not feeling the greatest, and the mild dizziness.

15-04-24, 17:39
Yeah my beta blockers have been a god send for my racing heart episodes, but they do nothing for my palpitations.

I took betahistine but it did nothing for me :-( Though I’m genuinely starting to believe I don’t have vertigo but it’s just my heart that’s making my whole body bop!
I hope you get some relief soon

15-04-24, 17:41
Hi there! Sorry for the radio silence. For the first time ever I've taken meds! I'm on Sertraline, 50mg. Day 15. Everything you have described re dizziness and PVCs - I have experienced for years. Had all the tests. Been to A&E three times in the past few weeks before I started meds. I knew I had to do something. It's anxiety. Never wanted to take meds but here we are. I'm glad I have started as need a solution. I'm also getting CBT soon - on a wait list which will be a few weeks. I still feel naff but had some better days. It can take weeks to start working so just being patient. It's horrible isn't it.

16-04-24, 00:03
@Sparkling_Fairy Yeah the beta blockers do help but same as me not so much with the palpitations, but I think it’s probably because it’s a low dose so it’s doing just what it needs too which is fine.

A simple test your doctor does should rule out vertigo or if it is. I think it’s heavily to do with anxiety and maybe adrenaline as well when we’re anxious. Stress is a huge thing we ignore but it causes a lot of symptoms too. I think yours is most likely anxiety and the hyper awareness of your heart beat too, it can make you concentrate on your breathing in a certain way which can cause light headedness or little dizzy.

Thank you and I do hope you sort it out too, and let me know how you get on or if you need to talk about anything, can always message me here.

16-04-24, 00:09
@jayke No worries at all, I am glad you are getting things sorted and I am also on a waiting list to see a cbt therapist. It can be really horrible in the moment and the exhaustion that follows as well, but at least their is some comfort that their are others who understand and can understand too. Sometimes we need a little extra help whether it’s medicine or a therapist, both of which I need myself. Yeah, I’ve been hospital several times in the past 10 months and it’s horrible and have PVCs also, so it’s been a tough time so I do understand how hard it’s been for you. But good to hear that you’ve had some better days along the way and hoping for you to have more as time goes on.

Youve done great in addressing stuff and being aware of what’s going on. You ever need to talk, like I’ve said to others, you can always message, sometimes it’s just nice to know theirs others who you can talk to or reach out about it.

16-04-24, 18:51
I’ve got a virus again, not sure what it is, last couple days I had a sore throat, very dry raspy and my voice is up and down and hard to talk. Not sure if it’s laryngitis or strep throat. But my dizziness has been worse today, not sure if it’s the bacterial/viral infection I have but it’s causing me so much stress. Sometimes it feels like my dizziness is coming from behind my nose and eyes and puts me off balance. It can be distressing, but I’ve never passed out or fallen over. It is making my anxiety worse though. I know I’m sick at the moment and have my periods, which is also probably making me feel very depressed right now too. Head just feels stuffy, dizzy/woozy that is on and off. What is going on…

21-04-24, 20:41
Update: I don’t think that medication for the dizziness did much to be honest. The Betahistine was only like a weeks supply, I could take twice or three times a day, so I took it twice and finished today and still having bouts of dizziness. It’s almost like a pressure at the sides of my ears near my temples, and then centred between my eyes area, really weird. My virus is just about gone, I’ve barely any coughing now, just an odd cough and throat dryness but everything else has gone. Could it be related to that? But it was there a week or so before I even got the virus the first time around. It’s been like a month now.

I really start panicking tumours and cancers and other things going on like aneurysms or blockages and stuff. I feel very worried about it now. Do I need a longer prescription of that medicine or is their just something worse going on? I’ve started to worry that it’s related to my heart, or maybe my PVCs? But I’m use to them and had tests for my heart in January, ecgs, bloods etc and they were normal.

Maybe my bad posture? My neck is constantly bent forward looking down at tablets and phones, as their my main things I use for work. Screen time? I use them a lot throughout the day and evening, so haven’t gone very long without using and looking at them, maybe that? Because I really do get scared because I’ve had bouts of this dizziness/woozy feeling, like being on a boat that it’s something more sinister and then I panic once again. Can things like this last this long like it’s been a month?

22-04-24, 15:54

Sorry to hear you're not great. I would say it absolutely is all anxiety. There's always something to worry about? Have you tried CBT at all?

You mentioned something that is really interesting to me. You said sometimes it feels like the dizziness is coming from behind your nose.

I've just posted under 'symptoms' about a random pressure I have now and then behind my nose (sinuses presumably), lasting only a few seconds, followed immediately by anxiety.

Do you ever get pressure that only lasts a few seconds?

23-04-24, 20:14
@jayke Hi, nice to hear from you! This forum seems quiet these days, but it’s comforting to know theirs still people here. Sorry for late reply, yeah sometimes it feels at the very top of your nose, in between your eyes area (where glasses would rest) and I’ve always had sinus issues. I think I have a deviated septum, because one nostril always runs or gets more stuffed than the other. Lately with this dizziness, I’m getting more of a ‘fullness’ or stuffy feeling at the side of my ears where my temples are and my eyes also feel a bit strained lately too.

im not sleeping much, but I’ve had terrible sleep for years, at most I get 5 or 6 but that’s a good night and it’s always broken sleep which I hate. I’ve also been really depressed lately, worst depression I’ve had since I was a teenager honestly. Got my heart broken in the summer last year and I’m not getting over it as good as I thought I would.

sometimes I find myself holding the bridge of my nose to help when I feel dizzy. It often makes me panic that it’s a brain tumour, cancer, a blood clot, a bleed on the brain, extremely high blood pressure (but my mum explained that she’s had extremely high blood pressure and said it’s not that). So I don’t know, I just keep thinking the worst thing is happening in my brain and then sometimes I get little cramps (I call them) in my head but not much and very mild.

I just never feel happy, like nothing makes me smile or have any joy at all anymore, besides being around a cat or dog maybe. I don’t seem to get as much dizziness when I’m out in the fresh air, walking or shopping, mainly when I come home or I’ve been overwhelmed. It really came on about a month ago and I did see one of the doctors about it, she examined me, checked my eyes, my ears and did all the balance tests and she said she was happy with it, just my blood pressure was a little high but again, could have been the white coat syndrome. She gave me the Betahistine, didn’t seem to work much, as I still got dizzy spells, and I stopped them on Sunday my dose finished, Was fine yesterday, but today I’ve had a few episodes of it, mainly feeling like it’s coming from behind my eyes and side of my temples. Feels similar to when you get that stuffy feeling when you have a cold or flu.

Which is why I panicked about infections as well but this has been over a month now.

sorry for long rant lol! Yeah, my nose plays up when I get anxious, it either gets runny, or blocked or I hold my bridge to help concentrate, dunno why lol.

24-04-24, 09:31
Update: I made an appointment, the doctor I seen before only has a Monday appointment so I took it. The receptionist just said obviously if my symptoms worsened or I felt worse to just come over and they would fit me in as an emergency appointment with one of the other doctors. So far, it hasn’t worsened so hopefully it’ll be okay until then but yeah, exhausted. Trying to think what I can do to stay occupied and not have this on my mind 24/7. Work doesn’t do it or doing chores. Anyway, it’s pretty distressing because it’s gone on for so long.

24-04-24, 10:08
I'm still dealing with it too, though far less. I think once I accepted that it was coming from my anxiety and I stopped worrying about it, it lessened significantly. I mostly just have it in the evenings now, and not even for long then. At the start I could have it all day long, now I have it for a few minutes at a time. You honestly need to not worry about it just like with any other anxiety symptom. It will do wonders for it

24-04-24, 10:46
Well, what a wonderful week I haven't had- the head pressure / dizzy sensation is back in full swing ! Went to check out the route / location of potential new job role on Sunday - complete disaster - the route I chose was awful - full of narrow roads only wide enough for 1 vehicle which stressed me out. Having reached the place the car park was terrible and busy, got pushed into a corner looking for a space - started to feel panic and nudged into a bin trying to get out which left a nice mark on my car. Just to top it off on the way home the dog was sick in the car and I somehow got snookered in a tractor convention on the roads which just happened to out for the day - great !

Unexpectedly, I received a message from recruitment agency asking my availability for an interview - but for the next morning (less than 24 hours). This caught me off guard as I like to mentally prepare and do my own research on the company before attending an interview, but what made it worse was that I accidently crumpled my driving glasses meaning it was technically illegal for me to go anyway ! I did try to explain to the recruitment agent that I could not attend the interview due to personal circumstances (doubtful they believed me) and whether it could be done at a later date. Well, surprise of surprises I have heard nothing since - will chase them up but feels like another opportunity gone and have made a mess off...

Back to square one, head pressure / dizziness / brain fog - no medication or counselling has ever done anything for me.....hope you are all coping better thank I am - fed up !

24-04-24, 17:24
@Sparkling_Fairy How long has it been for you now? I mean since it started? Yeah today has been up and down to me, it came in waves, definitely was more of that ‘on a boat’ sensation today, and I felt really frustrated and that I had to fight back against it. So I went out for a walk and tried to concentrate on a conversation a couple of people I was talking too, to distract my mind and see if it helped. It did to a certain point, but sometimes I felt the dizziness creeping back. I also felt a little jelly-legged today too but I think I was a starting to get panicky. I’m going to see if I can control this partially, even to keep me busy but it’s hard when you can feel that sensation coming on and that is when I start to get very anxious.

You’re probably right, I hope it’s just my anxiety and I can sort through this episode, I just worry when it lasts for over a month and start thinking of all the absolute worse things it could be.

I do hope you can sort through yours as well, mine usually lasts for a few minutes, but bad episodes can last longer. It’s tough, and takes so much will power to not worry.

24-04-24, 17:29
@Crispy hi! I don’t think causes me more stress or to get worked up than having to find a route I’ve not driven before. I also agree, I think it’s a part of anxiety too when you like to mentally prepare for something, I get very stressed when I’m left last minute to do something.

That is very rude of them not to get back to you, but try not let it consume you, it will only make any symptoms you have worse, which sounds like a lot of stress you’ve been going through. Maybe could call them back? Follow it up, and see if maybe they are just delayed. I think it’s just been a stressful time for you and that would absolutely give you dizziness and headaches, brain fog and just make you feel fed up but try not let yourself get too upset. If you need to talk, you can always message me and theirs others here too I know can always help to just talk to.

25-04-24, 01:14
I took 2 paracetamol when I got home today. It seemed to help with some of the tension aches and pains I was getting. My walk today was okay, no dizziness, or pressure around my temples. I did get a couple of dizzy spells when I was shopping, but not as drastic but still frightening. Had less after I took some paracetamol, maybe it helped my muscles etc and tension. My neck feels tight, could be related, and I do feel strain behind my eyes too, so could be related.

I just panic about it being the worst possible things imaginable and can’t calm my thoughts which then makes me worse.

25-04-24, 07:17
Hi! Sorry to hear it's ongoing. But a few solid days of light here:

- The nostril being blocked and then clearing is the nasal cycle. Perfectly normal. Look it up. Same for me.

- The fact you acknowledged your anxiety and it improved is AMAZING. More of that! The new job route threw you off - it was anxiety.

It's all anxiety but you have the ability to get past it.

Have a look at The Tools book by Phil Stutz - amazing.


25-04-24, 12:05
@Sparkling_Fairy How long has it been for you now? I mean since it started? Yeah today has been up and down to me, it came in waves, definitely was more of that ‘on a boat’ sensation today, and I felt really frustrated and that I had to fight back against it. So I went out for a walk and tried to concentrate on a conversation a couple of people I was talking too, to distract my mind and see if it helped. It did to a certain point, but sometimes I felt the dizziness creeping back. I also felt a little jelly-legged today too but I think I was a starting to get panicky. I’m going to see if I can control this partially, even to keep me busy but it’s hard when you can feel that sensation coming on and that is when I start to get very anxious.

You’re probably right, I hope it’s just my anxiety and I can sort through this episode, I just worry when it lasts for over a month and start thinking of all the absolute worse things it could be.

I do hope you can sort through yours as well, mine usually lasts for a few minutes, but bad episodes can last longer. It’s tough, and takes so much will power to not worry.

It's been 2 months for me. I've had it since mid February. I had 2 weeks of relief after a very relaxing holiday, so that tells me a lot. But other than that, I've had it every day. I get it way worse when I'm tired, so quite frankly I think it's all just nervous system overload. But I am getting some tests done to double check

26-04-24, 00:47
Update: Had a really bad dizzy spell so went to doctors today rather than Monday. She did all the same tests and didn’t find anything, and told her the Betahistine didn’t do much for me, so she did think it was related to my anxiety but she’s sending me for an MRI scan. So today was awful and I feel like I’ve ran 20 miles or something, and my whole body is aching and sore from exhaustion. She doesn’t seem worried but she did give me a medication you take for travel sickness, only if I wanted to take it if I had a bad spell to see how it would do but I haven’t taken it yet.

I’ve still had some of that unbalanced dizziness today but I’m trying to stop myself getting panic attacks. She said I should be seen fairly quickly for the MRI so I guess I’ll just have to wait and see to get that. Maybe the dizziness will get better before then but I’m still having them but not as intensely. Today was an intense one but settled down tonight but my still having a milder episode of them.

26-04-24, 00:48
@jayke Hi! I do hope I can get past this too, and thank you! Yeah the nostril thing is flared today but I’m use to that as well. Hope you are keeping well and thanks again, good to hear from you!

26-04-24, 00:54
@Sparkling_Fairy Ugh that is awful you’ve had it so long! It was telling that it did go for a couple weeks, probably because you felt relaxed and at ease and we’re able to let your thoughts go away and be quiet. When I’m tired or I’ve been overwhelmed with too much to do or had to socialise a lot, because I spend almost all time alone, it hits me like a wave all of a sudden. My nervous system is definitely overloaded over the past few months, so it’s been a long time since I felt relaxed.

It’s good just to put your mind at ease, my doctor is sending me for an MRI, so see how that goes. Hope everything goes well for you but definitely does sound like nervous system overload with you. If you want, keep me updated or even post here (you don’t have to, but if you’d like) it’d be great to see how your getting on.

26-04-24, 13:00
Yeah, I'm being sent for an MRI as well. My GP thinks it could be anxiety, but she wants to rule out anything physical first. She wanted me to get bloods done and if that all came back fine she would send me for a brain MRI (my boods were fine) so I'm trying to get an appointment for that. If that comes back fine, she will send me to an ENT.

It's interesting, I went away this weekend and had a great time. But socializing is also always really a stressor for me. For the past 3 days I've had the vertigo from morning til evening. I do feel very tense in my body. But there is just seemingly nothing I can do calm my body down or stop the vertigo it seems

26-04-24, 14:58
@Sparkling_Fairy Very similar to mine, and I was out getting the shopping today and it’s been non stop since this morning, very distressing. She also mentioned something about an inner ear thing, because I told her about the pressure I feel at the sides of my ears or temples. She said like debris or crystals or something. Yeah, I had intensive bloods done at the hospital back at the end of January, all were fine too, I’d also had a 24 hour heart monitor which was also normal. So, waiting for the MRI, and then my doctor also suggested the ENT after that. She thinks it’s anxiety related too, but like you too she wants to rule out anything else. Which I guess is a good thing that our doctors listen to us and know that we suffer with anxiety too but also have real physical symptoms that worry and scare us and take it seriously.

I will post here when I get my appointment and follow up on everything so I can keep anyone following the thread up to date, just if they want to. It’s good you had a good weekend, and that sounds reassuring as well, but it is a awful when it seems to last all day.

27-04-24, 11:29
This is the MRI club! I had an MRI this week. I'll let you know the outcome. Also had extensive bloods done and all fine.

27-04-24, 21:19
@jayke Yep lol! We’re all getting one. It is good that your bloods were all good, that is a positive, and keep us updated on how you get on whenever you get your MRI too.

28-04-24, 21:32
I’ve had so many dizzy spells today, wasn’t stressed or anxious just felt them, with a pressure at the sides of my temples and behind my eyes. Was really tiring, sometimes it makes me want to cry it’s so frustrating. My PVCs are back again too, not often but I’m use to them now. Just the dizziness and pressure making it hard to redirect my focus onto normal stuff.

30-04-24, 11:53
Update: Still having the dizziness, it seems to be worse when I’m standing, definitely feels unbalanced. I can feel strain behind my eyes, not sure if it’s my eyes trying to focus or something but yeah, on and off throughout the day. Seems to get worse when I’m actually at home than it is when I’m walking outside. Weird. I’ve not even been panicky or stressed and I’m getting them. But now I’m start to think theirs something seriously wrong, not going to lie, stuff like cancers and tumours have crossed my mind too. No word yet on when I’m getting my MRI scan so just have to wait for that. The doctor left me a prescription for like travel sickness or something, so I could collect that tomorrow and she said to take it when I feel one of them or have a bad one but she said they make you drowsy.

I’m exhausted with it everyday for over a month. Im okay for a short while after waking up but then it starts and doesn’t stop until later that night, so all day these episodes come and go.

30-04-24, 14:09
The not feeling stressed or anxious thing isn't really valid.
This reminds me of my symptom where I would hyperventilate every day for 2,5 years. I would have it from morning until evening. And I also often didn't feel anxious so I didn't understand why it happened. I would look for physical reasons, I would try stretching to relax my stomach muscles, I went to a chiropractor to help relax my diaphragm, I would eat really small portions. I would do anything to physically ease the tension in my diaphragm, and nothing helped. In the end what helped, is me accepting it was anxiety and being too damn tired to care about it anymore, and it went away after another couple of weeks and have rarely had it in the last 2 years.
I think this is honestly the same. I don't always feel anxious when I get it. But I know that I have chronic stress, as I think most of us do, and that sometimes causes our nervous system to misfire. And right now, it's giving us vertigo.

Though interesting you mention the eyes. When I originally got mine, I thought it came from eye strain because I got really tired and sore eyes with it. Now I still get the vertigo and my eye strain is a lot better, but I definitely get tired eyes with it. For sure get all your tests, I will too, but I am pretty sure they'll all be fine and then the only thing you can do is accept it's anxiety and stop paying it any attention

30-04-24, 17:26
@Sparkling_Fairy Hi, you’re probably right, honestly. I just think if I don’t feel anxious or stressed in an obvious way then it has to be something else ya know? I keep thinking how much I’ve been through in the past 9 months, from having my heartbroken by someone I fell for, then got Covid, then my cat died, then I got a chest infection, then several episodes with my PVCs in the hospital, because of those things and anxiety. Then end of January lost my 19 years dog, then I got sick again, strep throat or some other throat infection. Then I had a ton wrong with my car and that cost me taking a small loan out just to cover it.

Sometimes I’m okay and then like I just stepped on a ball, I feel wobbly, but I’m not moving or losing balance, just my head feels clouded and dizzy. Sometimes it lasts minutes, others it can go on for a long time. Being out in the fresh air makes it feel okay, but yeah, possibly subconsciously my mind is in overdrive and I obsess about the feeling and prolong symptoms too. That’s when I get really scared and panic.

30-04-24, 18:08
OMG, you've been through a lot! I had a bunch of similar stuff happen back in 2015 when my anxiety first started. But I didn't know what it was, or how it felt. I woke up one day with my muscles twitching, all over my body, all day long! Acid reflux, heart palpitations. No idea what it was! It took months of being terrified before I finally went to my GP and she said: yeah, that's anxiety.
So I also didn't feel anxious up front, but so many stressful events cause my nervous system to misfire and it was making me into a twitcher! So honestly, with everything that's happened to you I'm not surprised you're having this. It takes a long time for your nervous system to calm down, it's not instant when you calm yourself. The first time I got over anxiety I stopped feeling anxious about 7 months before my physical symptoms disappeared because my nervous system needed a lot longer! So expect it to be overwhelmed, even if you are not feeling it mentally.

01-05-24, 00:59
@Sparkling_Fairy Yeah, you really do forget about all you’ve gone through and redirect it, probably causing more problems doing that. Hopefully things will get sorted, see when I get this MRI too, and try get my nervous system to slow down and not obsess as much as I do. I never thought of being overwhelmed but you’re probably right too. It really can be exhausting just having anxiety to regardless of other stuff too. Hope you’re doing well though!

04-05-24, 10:22
Hey you guys! Sorry you're feeling rough still, Mischa. Sounds like your bucket has overflowed - all the little (and big) things get put in and then it's too much. I went for an ENT hearing and balance test because of the dizziness - just like what you described. They did loads of tests - very technical. The result? You know it - all good. Had MRI and waiting for results but I'm sure that's all good. Like SparklingFairy says - anxiety. I'm on Sertraline - you on any meds? Defo helping. Maybe some dramatic life changes needed - I don't know - something to kick start a new way of thinking and being. We'll get past this!

08-05-24, 20:26
@jayke Hi Jayke! Sorry for late reply. Yeah I’m still waiting to hear about mine, I’ve had a few days now with very little dizziness, but still had the odd spell here and there. I’m yet again got a cold, or virus of some kind, runny nose, dry throat, so trying to rest. That is literally only a month after I had strep throat or whatever it was lol! I think because of all the stress and depression my immune system must be low and I’m picking all these viruses and colds up. I’m drinking plenty of water and eating well, so it’s been a lot I gotta say. Really really good to hear your tests were all good and I’m pretty sure your mri will be too. Keep us updated.

sick of picking up these infections though, it’s very draining and taking a lot out of me physically and mentally.

15-05-24, 12:14
Hi 👋. No news yet. Got Covid at the moment. Crazy! Oh well. Onwards! Will keep you posted

01-06-24, 21:36
@jayke Hi! Ah, sorry to hear that, I had it last year and it was rough but you’ll be okay. Do keep us posted, sorry for late reply, but I’ll try update more regularly. Hope you’re doing well!