View Full Version : It’s been a crappy few months

02-04-24, 16:43

I’m sorry I haven’t been around much. I’ve been going through a rough patch starting with the death of a close family member and ending up by being hospitalised for pneumonia. Twice.

I caught an awful bug off my daughter about 4 weeks ago that quickly went to my chest. You probably don’t want all the details but my gp sent me to a&e to get iv meds. I stayed in for 3 days and they diagnosed a lower respiratory infection - which my gp says in pneumonia. I came home for a week and started to get really short of breath, so had to call an ambulance and go back in. This time the infection had exacerbated my asthma. I’ve just got home after a week stay. I’ve had 2 more lots of antibiotics, oxygen, nebulisers, clexane, ecg and finally a ct scan. Results all good, although my bp is a bit high and my thyroid levels need to be rechecked as apparently I’m on the cusp.

The last 2 days I’ve been so tearful. I’m so scared of being home and not getting better again and having to go back. There’s no real evidence to back this up, I’ve been really looked after & feel like I’ve had a full MOT! I’m just very weak and feeble. I’ve missed my daughter and partner so much, but I don’t want to be sick Mummy, I want to be well and not have this fear - which I suspect is a trauma response. I need to take it easy but get strong.

I had to defer my start date for a new job as I am not well enough to start this week.

Does anyone have any words of wisdom, hugs, jokes or general advice & experience?


02-04-24, 17:28
Sending hugs and good wishes to one of the sweetest people on NMP. Let me know if you want to chat, I'll give you my WhatsApp.

02-04-24, 18:01
Sending hugs and good wishes to one of the sweetest people on NMP. Let me know if you want to chat, I'll give you my WhatsApp.

Thank you! That would be nice. I hope you’re doing ok. The forum goes really slow for me now so I find it hard to read too much.

02-04-24, 18:52
I am so sorry, that sounds incredibly hard and stressful. Sending you well wishes!

I wasn’t nearly as bad as you were, but earlier this year I caught a bug that was nasty and it felt like every time I got better I would then take a turn for the worse. I’m still panicky about getting sick again months later. It’s a really hard thing to deal with and it can be really difficult to be patient when we just want to be well.

I hope you are able to get to feeling better and are on the mend (it sounds like you are).

02-04-24, 19:04
Aww Scass, what a time you've been through :hugs:
You've survived the worst and it's a case of building up your strength and confidence. And you will.
Plenty of rest, comfort food, it will take time but you'll be strong again xxx

03-04-24, 06:35
Thank you Poppy and Carn for your kind words.

08-04-24, 20:46
Sending you so many get well soon hugs Scass. What an awful thing to be going through. And im terribly sorry to hear about your loss too…. You are really weathering a storm. Please PM me if you would like… lots of love to you xxx

09-04-24, 09:08
Thank you lovely Jojo [emoji3590]