View Full Version : Could this be a UTI?

05-04-24, 14:19
Since Wednesday I have noticed a very, very slight burning sensation when urinating. I wouldn't say it hurts or anything but I notice it every time, sometimes it is stronger and other times it is weaker. I don't think I have any other symptoms (at least nothing that can't be explained by anxiety). Strangely my wife has definitely developed a UTI. Her symptoms started a day after mine and she has a lot of pain, a fever, the whole nine yards. She's just started some antibiotics for it.

Should I speak to someone regarding my own concerns or am I letting anxiety rule the day? I know that here (The UK) I don't necessarily need to speak to a doctor. I can speak to a pharmacist who can diagnose the problem and prescribe antibiotics themselves but I don't know if I should bother them since the symptoms, if they even are a UTI, are so minor.

05-04-24, 15:24
If you were intimate then certainly there can be an issue. Try drinking cranberry juice as it's known to help with UTIs and urinary tract issues. And certainly, if the symptoms persist, see a doctor.


05-04-24, 17:55
If you were intimate then certainly there can be an issue. Try drinking cranberry juice as it's known to help with UTIs and urinary tract issues. And certainly, if the symptoms persist, see a doctor.


We weren't intimate. She thinks it's in my head, or at least that my problem isn't a UTI and just a small strain or something from, erm, enjoying myself a little too much :blush:. I certainly don't seem to have any other symptoms compared to her who has been hit very hard by the infection.

I've done some at home tests but I'm not sure about them. The Nitrites are showing as negative each time whilst the Leukocytes are harder to interpret. They're either negative or the first positive result (which the instructions say means repeating the test). My wife thinks it's a negative, I'm not so sure.

05-04-24, 18:20
Certainly, going out with Palmela Handerson too often can irritate things and based on the fact you weren't intimate and tests are showing negative would lead one to believe this is a result of your actions and anxiety amplifying things.


05-04-24, 23:35
Palmela Handerson

I thought I heard all the euphemisms for this but that's a new one!

Also yeah, cranberry juice and maybe take a break from the self help for a while. If that doesn't help it's easily fixed by a doctor.