View Full Version : noise and light

19-02-05, 12:15
when i first had my most horrrible panic attack, as well as all the other poop symptoms, things were really loud, the slightest noise made me jump, and twinge!!! i had to get the kids out of the room bless them, i curled up in a ball and comteplated my fate, i closed my eyes and just huddled there. i havent heard alot about these symptoms, but apparently it was a sensory overoad, thats why my eyes were hurting too. sometimes i still now calm the noise down, close my eyes and take 1 thing in at a time. every little helps ah! xx

19-02-05, 12:24
Hi Kimmy,

When my depression is at its worst (and the associated anxiety) noise is something I can't tolerate. Light is also something I avoided and I still tend to prefer low light.
There is nothing wrong with this Kimmy, even when we are feeling 100% we can still appreciate some peace and quiet.

Hello btw, good to see you here. :)


Take little steps and remember it is OK if your recovery is not a smooth one.

19-02-05, 13:01
worse thing for me is when i go see my kids and the eldest always has a mp3 plugged in to his ears i cant hear the music but the constant tch, tch, tch sound coming out of the headphones triggers my panic i cant bear to sit with him lol strange eh!

fan x