View Full Version : Feeling anxious about family

02-12-07, 12:13
Hi the weather is really bad today and I'm panicking cos my son and daughter are out in it and I'm sooooo worried something will happen to them. Have tried my sons mobile as we are going over there later, wanted to check the time, but no reply just sitting here imagining alsorts of senarios:weep:
Sorry if I sound like a wimp:wacko: but can't help but worry.
PS son and daughter are in their 40s will this never end:shrug:

02-12-07, 13:06
Hi Lesley,

Sorry to hear you are worrying, I haven't experienced this but I know my mum worries obsessively about me and she is in her 70s whilst I am late 30s, you definitely aren't on your own.

Just thought I'd try to reassure you that there are 100s and 100s of reasons why someone wouldnt answer their mobile phone and these reasons include things such as bad signal, no battery, problems with network and these cause you no need to worry.

I know it is hard but try to occupy yourself and do something positive - do some cooking, re-arrange furniture, read a book or try something that you don't normally do to keep your mind active. (I know it's hard but worrying really can get you into a downward spiral - if you are active, you may still be worrying but it won't be uppermost in your mind.)

Another thing you could do is maybe look back at times when you have worried in the past and these worries have been unfounded - maybe that would be a starting point.

If you keep active then the time will pass quicker and you will be on your way to see them sooner than you think!


02-12-07, 14:01
Hi Lesley,

Try not to worry hun, I am sure they are fine. You aren't alone, I do the same thing, and I was end up in a panic for no reasons.

Try what Nina has suggested. I know thats not easy to do, but it will help you hun.

02-12-07, 14:08
hi , no matter how old our chidren are we never stop worring about them, i,m sure they are fine. Sending you some :hugs::hugs: take care you xx

02-12-07, 16:07
Thank you for your replies,Have since heard from my son so all is well. I think this is part of being a mother its our job to worry but I shouldn't let it take over I know, Just today was bad don't know why, but I did keep busy Thanks for the advice about looking back on all the times I worried before I will think of this next time
Thanks again.:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

04-12-07, 23:25
im always getting anxious over my family, especially my parents. since my dad is the main carer- i get worried that he'll fall ill and die, then i'll be totally alone to care for mum and my bro etc etc
but i think it'll take time to switch off that thought, its something that USED to be out of control, but now its that out of control
luv sam x