View Full Version : Where next

09-04-24, 07:42
I have suffered anxiety mainly health anxiety for many years been posting on here on and off since 2012 usually have some health or perceived issue where I disappear down the rabbit hole until it’s resolved. This time I started rated with bladder issues last March which rumbled on until September when I was put on treatment and it worked and is still working so all good eh except it’s not the anxiety just hasn’t gone away and I feel it’s getting worse not better I had a course of cbt that didn’t help I’m paying for private counselling which I think I use as a security blanket no real help just had a change in medication too soon to say if it will help have asked for further help from the mental health team but not hopeful I just don’t know what to do or where to turn next thanks for reading and any advice would be welcomed xx

09-04-24, 16:39
You have my sympathy smogie, health anxiety is something that bites me from time to time. One thing I will say is stay off Google, anxiety will always find a disease/disorder to fit any symptoms you might have. Or indeed not have at all until read about via the above Quack medical professional.

09-04-24, 20:03
My advice for what it's worth would be to try to be your own therapist and build up your confidence in being able to know what helps and what definitely doesn't. It really comes down to being able to manage a long term and possibly lifelong anxiety disorder. A lot of these CBT "packages" deal with mild to moderate episodes and ADs are generally pretty hit and miss when it comes to making anxiety more tolerable.

Why not try turning to yourself next? Don't see yourself as a "package" being passed around by MH professionals? You're your own boss here.. You just need some confidence in your own judgement.

10-04-24, 08:44
My confidence is all gone I have no faith in myself and my ability to turn this around I have battled for so long but this time around I think I’m done xx

10-04-24, 22:43
I’m paying for private counselingYeah, I also have both a med provider and private counseling and sometimes I wonder how much it helps but sometimes it good to have somebody that will listen. Hang in there and don't give up on the CBT either. Its does help, but not with everything.

12-04-24, 09:02
Thankyou my med provider is checking in with me next week and he said he was going to inquire about more therapy I have had a lot of cbt but it really hasn’t helped in the past

12-04-24, 22:53
You're welcome and I hope things improve with therapy and the med provider.


13-04-24, 21:42
I hope so too thanks

20-04-24, 19:39
Bit disappointed from my appointment too soon to ell if the meds are doing anything and said his service has nothing therapy wise to offer me said he will speak to someone but more or less said don’t hold my breath